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1. Re: start seam examples
lightguard Jan 29, 2013 12:14 PM (in response to benitojuarez)You'd have to mannually find all the jars and bring them in. Based on feedback in Seam 2 there were many people wanting Maven integration, so we went with Maven for Seam 3.
2. Re: start seam examples
benitojuarez Jan 30, 2013 2:27 AM (in response to lightguard)it may be more a maven question than a seam question:
what do i have to do with the seam artifacts so maven can use it? Do i have to configure the path to seam3 somewhere?
3. Re: start seam examples
vijay.duvvuri Jan 30, 2013 10:53 AM (in response to benitojuarez)Did you install maven [1] ?
If you have maven installed - then you can try running "mvn clean install" in one of the examples folder like "seam-booking" - you can check the corresponding README here :
4. Re: start seam examples
benitojuarez Jan 30, 2013 11:41 AM (in response to vijay.duvvuri)jboss dev studio comes along with a maven plugin. A maven repo is created as well.
i'll try your example