3 Replies Latest reply on Feb 24, 2013 4:54 AM by alesj

    pull queues and background threads


      I'm trying to start background workers when the servlet context is created. These works pull work from pull queues. The servlet context is created before the infinispan caches that back the queues are created. This results in an exception in the workers. This code works fine in the GAE dev server.


      Here is the sample code:



      It already contains a compiled war. Just drop it in the deployment dir and you get the exception.


      I tested it against a CD that was compiled with AS 7.2.0 final.

        • 1. Re: pull queues and background threads

          I have a fix in CD_JBoss-AS sub-project.


          btw: running things against AS 7.2.0-pre1, I don't get that NPA you mentioned in GAEListener.

          • 2. Re: pull queues and background threads

            I works now. By doing the new build I'm also able to access the /_ah/admin pages. When deploy the app as ROOT.war I also see the caped dwarf When the app is deployed under an other context the logo is not available.

            • 3. Re: pull queues and background threads

              I works now. By doing the new build I'm also able to access the /_ah/admin pages. When deploy the app as ROOT.war I also see the caped dwarf

              Cool. :-)


              When the app is deployed under an other context the logo is not available.

              Can you file a JIRA for this?