0 Replies Latest reply on Apr 8, 2013 6:18 AM by gawenni

    Jboss accessing a remote wsdl via https




      I'm a not expert in jboss and I need a help on my jboss config, I'm using jboss-4.3.0 and it's supposed te send messages to a remote peer. My Jboss don't need secured connection in incoming flow, but the outgoing info are sent thrue ssl while accessing a wsdl in the remote server via a https URL. I've seen a lot of tutorials and dicussions but they always talk about configuring jboss as a server for https connections, I actualy want to do the opposite. My Jboss is connection to a server via a secured connection. So I've créated the keystore, imported the remote server certificate file and started jboss using " -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=/tlcfs/tlcpolpp/jboss-soa-p.4.3.0/jboss-as/server/default/conf/server.keystore " (the store in which I imported the certificate deliver by the remote server). and I've got this error message when trying to send message to the remote peer :


      2013-04-04 16:01:25,523 WARN [org.jboss.ws.core.jaxws.spi.ServiceDelegateImpl] Cannot access wsdlURL:https:// ...../Mywsdl.wsdl


      To make things easier I'm trying to make jboss access the wsdl as if I use a web browser to open the wsdl file.


      Thanks in advance for your help .