1. Re: How to load Pi4SOA into eclipse and develop?
objectiser Apr 19, 2013 6:54 AM (in response to steverosstalbot)Both the pi4soa scenarios and the newer savara based scenarios use maven to build, so you can use:
mvn eclipse:eclipse
to create the Eclipse project artifacts, and then import them into your Eclipse workspace using the "Import->General->Existing projects into workspace" action.
2. Re: How to load Pi4SOA into eclipse and develop?
steverosstalbot Apr 21, 2013 4:54 PM (in response to objectiser)I downloaded various sources as jar files. So first this, is that correct?
For example I have the following in a folder on my laptop:
If I want to build the eclipse projects as you suggest, using mvn, I make sure I am in the folder with the jar files and then I tried the mvn eclipse:eclipse but this is what I got:
mvn eclipse:eclipse
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building Maven Stub Project (No POM) 1
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 2.105s
[INFO] Finished at: Sun Apr 21 21:53:53 BST 2013
[INFO] Final Memory: 4M/81M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-eclipse-plugin:2.9:eclipse (default-cli): Goal requires a project to execute but there is no POM in this directory (/Users/steve/Downloads/scenario_designer). Please verify you invoked Maven from the correct directory. -> [Help 1]
[ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e switch.
[ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
[ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please read the following articles:
[ERROR] [Help 1] http://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/MAVEN/MissingProjectException
So I guess my question is what do I need to download and where do I need to be located to use mvn?
Steve T
3. Re: How to load Pi4SOA into eclipse and develop?
objectiser Apr 22, 2013 3:57 AM (in response to steverosstalbot)Steve Ross-Talbot wrote:
I downloaded various sources as jar files. So first this, is that correct?
For example I have the following in a folder on my laptop:
No, these look like binaries. Depending upon whether you need the source for the old (pi4soa) or new (savara) scenarios (and accompanying editor), you need to obtain the source from:
pi4soa: http://sourceforge.net/scm/?type=svn&group_id=122989&source=navbar - using subversion
savara: https://github.com/savara - you will need to fork/clone the savara-core and savara-tools-eclipse folders.
Once you have downloaded the source, go into the root folder and run the maven command.
4. Re: How to load Pi4SOA into eclipse and develop?
steverosstalbot Jun 12, 2014 6:23 AM (in response to objectiser)Dear Gary,
I have used mvn eclipse:eclipse against savara-core and savara-epp taken from the repository and cloned on my laptop. Question though, where does it put the eclipse bundle when it does it's stuff. I have been looking for a .project amongst other things but have yet to find one.
Steve T
5. Re: How to load Pi4SOA into eclipse and develop?
steverosstalbot Jun 12, 2014 8:23 AM (in response to steverosstalbot)Further to my last question, I found the following (extract) on savara/savara-tools-eclipse · GitHub
Developing ----------
Setup an Eclipse JEE (Kepler) environment - download Eclipse from www.eclipse.org.
Install "Integration and SOA Development" tools from the integration platform.
Perform the steps in the "Building the project" section, to initialise the plugins.
Import the plugins:
- select the "Import->Import..." menu item
- select "Maven->Maven Existing Projects" item from the dialog
- browse to select the 'plugins' folder within the savara-tools-eclipse repo
- follow any instructions presented to install Tycho plugins
I now have a Kepler environment. But where do the "Integration and SOA Development" tools come from? Which integration platform? Does it relate to the stuff built in a previous step or is there an update site to go to?
Steve T
6. Re: How to load Pi4SOA into eclipse and develop?
objectiser Jun 13, 2014 4:07 AM (in response to steverosstalbot)To answer your first question, the latest instructions you have referenced in your second question actually shows using the Eclipse maven support for importing projects - so it is better to make use of that. So if you first use "mvn eclipse:clean" on your current savara-tools-eclipse local git repo, it will remove the files it created, and then follow the instructions in your second question.
For now you can ignore the "Integration and SOA Development" tools - these are only required if you intend to generate switchyard projects.
7. Re: How to load Pi4SOA into eclipse and develop?
steverosstalbot Jun 18, 2014 7:16 AM (in response to objectiser)Hi Gary,
I have a Kepler environment, clear with Savara loaded as plugins from the update site. I have the gitbub clone for org.savara.tools mavened up. Inside org.savara.tools.bpmn2 (as an example) I can now see the following:
But I cannot import it. When I go to the folder that has this stuff in it say no-project found. Can you point me to what I need to do?
Steve T
8. Re: How to load Pi4SOA into eclipse and develop?
steverosstalbot Jun 18, 2014 10:55 AM (in response to steverosstalbot)Having looked more deeply it appears as if .project and .classpath are missing from org.savara.tools.bpmn2 which are needed for making it an importable project.
Do I import it as a filesystem and not a project archive?
Steve T
9. Re: How to load Pi4SOA into eclipse and develop?
objectiser Jun 20, 2014 3:39 AM (in response to steverosstalbot)Firstly best not to install the savara plugins into an environment in which you will be developing the same plugins
Maven projects can be imported into Eclipse using "Import .... -> Maven -> Existing Maven Projects".