1. Re: How to customize portlet drag and drop composer
rutlucas Jun 3, 2013 4:32 AM (in response to anishantony)Hi Anish,
What kind of behaviour would you like to add to the composer ?
Could you give us some details to study if it's something that you can do with existing UI ?
2. Re: How to customize portlet drag and drop composer
anishantony Jun 3, 2013 5:32 AM (in response to rutlucas)Hi Lucas
Thanks for your replay,
I have a portlet and which shows all pages in my portal as links. When i clicks on a link the composer will appears and it shows current layout of that currosponding page. Also from that composor we can change the layout and also you can add/remove portlets. After when i finish the composor wizard, the changed pages apearance looks like what i changed in the composor....
Anish Antony
3. Re: How to customize portlet drag and drop composer
rutlucas Jun 3, 2013 5:46 AM (in response to anishantony)Hi Anish,
I understand that what you would like to add is a link for the Edit page mode, right ?
So, you would like to have a portlet that renders all pages as links and be able to edit a page choosing it.
It looks like to me similar to the PageManagement portlet:
Where you can edit directly your page.
Also, you can personalize your portlet adding this links, I didn't try before but I'm sure you can take this template as an example:
In this template (and also in the PageManagement portlet) you can use as example to customize your portlet (take a look in the links for access to the composer).
Hope this helps.