1. Re: problem loading javascript
mantonec Jul 3, 2013 4:09 AM (in response to mantonec)Hello,
i'm coming with an update.
I have noticed an error into server log when from browser i open the portlet commercialCatalogue
09:59:28,085 ERROR [org.gatein.portal.controller.resource.ResourceRequestHandler] (http-/ Could not render script ScriptKey[id=PORTLET/asset-mobility/commercialCatalogue,minified=true,locale=null] :Handle me gracefully JS errors PORTLET/asset-mobility/commercialCatalogue.js:2 Parse error. missing ) after formal parameters PORTLET/asset-mobility/commercialCatalogue.js:6 Parse error. invalid return PORTLET/asset-mobility/commercialCatalogue.js:238 Parse error. syntax error
Inspecting from web browser (firefox) i have noticed the following error
[09:59:27.833] GET http://localhost:8080/portal/scripts/3.5.2.Final-redhat-4/PORTLET/asset-mobility:commercialCatalogue-min.js [HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error 355ms]
Infact inquiring the portal with link i get error 500, but if i'm searching for NOT minified resource
i get the code.
How can i force the portal in order to load the non minified version ?
2. Re: problem loading javascript
rutlucas Jul 3, 2013 4:15 AM (in response to mantonec)Try to use -Dexo.product.developing=true in the command line in the start of gatein.
This allows to use non minified JS archives.
3. Re: problem loading javascript
vstorm83 Jul 3, 2013 5:06 AM (in response to mantonec)1 of 1 people found this helpful- There must be an error in the script
. We are using Closure compiler to compress JS, you can use this service to test if you script can be compressed by Closure http://closure-compiler.appspot.com/home- About the problem with jquery, by default, GateIn provide an AMD jquery module, and remote the global jquery variable. That means you can't not use global $ like this in jsp file:
});- If you declare your script in gatein-resources.xml as module, your script must be written as a GMD format like this:
($) {
and in gatein-resources.xml, you should declare that your module depends on GateIn jquery module:
- Please read this doc for more info about GMD https://docs.jboss.org/author/display/GTNPORTAL35/JavaScript+Development (javascript in GateIn)
- A quick way to test (and in case if you don't want to remove js in JSP file but still need jquery from GateIn), you can try this
window.require(["SHARED/jquery"], function($) {
4. Re: problem loading javascript
mantonec Jul 3, 2013 7:01 AM (in response to vstorm83)Great. You are right. The js cannot be minified because a dot in a module name.
I replaced the "." with a "_" and now this problem is resolved.
What is not clear is why continue to get error on "$ is undefined"
[12:51:14.500] TypeError: $ is undefined @ http://localhost:8080/portal/scripts/3.5.2.Final-redhat-4/SHARED/jquery_mousewheel.js:23
even if i declared that jquery_mousewheel depends on jquery as $ and portled depends on both
<module> <name>jquery_mousewheel</name> <script> <path>/js/vendor/jquery.mousewheel.js</path> </script> <depends> <module>jquery</module> <as>$</as> </depends> </module> ... <portlet> <name >commercialCatalogue</name> <module> <depends> <module>jquery</module> <as>$</as> </depends> <depends> <module>jquery_mousewheel</module> </depends> ... </module> </portlet>
Thanks again for your help.
5. Re: problem loading javascript
vstorm83 Jul 3, 2013 10:04 PM (in response to mantonec)You should take a look at jquery.mousewheel.js file to see what jquery alias it's using. For example, if that jquery plugin written like that:
(function($) {
That mean it access jquery as "jQuery" alias, so you'll need this in gatein-resources.xml: