2 Replies Latest reply on Jan 24, 2014 4:38 AM by mylos78

    JMS 2.0 how to specify user credentials?


      Dear all,

      I'd need to use some capabilities of JMS 2.0 such as Automatic Connection Factory and Queue definition. I have elaborated the following code, which however fails because of Security checks ("Unable to validate user: null"). Is there a way to specify the username and password in JMS 2.0 so that I can use the following code ?



      @JMSConnectionFactoryDefinition(name = "java:/MyConnectionFactory",

      className = "javax.jms.ConnectionFactory")

      @JMSDestinationDefinition(name = "java:jboss/jms/queue/myQueue",

      className = "javax.jms.Queue", interfaceName = "javax.jms.Queue")

      public class ManagerEJB {



            @Resource(mappedName = "java:jboss/jms/queue/myQueue")

           Queue myQueue;




           private JMSContext context;


           public void sendMessage(String txt) {


               .send(myQueue, txt);





        • 1. Re: JMS 2.0 how to specify user credentials?

          Either you can annotate your JMSContext with the credentials:





               private JMSContext context;


          or you can pass them to the @JMSConnectionFactoryDefinition:



                  name = "java:/MyConnectionFactory",

                  className = "javax.jms.ConnectionFactory",

                  user = "guest",

                   password = "guest"


          1 of 1 people found this helpful
          • 2. Re: JMS 2.0 how to specify user credentials?

            Thanks a lot Jeff!