4 Replies Latest reply on Jul 3, 2014 11:40 AM by tomjenkinson

    Blacktie 5.0.2 Final + wildfly 8.0.0 Final: standalone-blacktie.xml configuration is missing




      I try to install blacktie 5.0.2 on wildfly 8.0.0 Final, so i follow the README file in ${BLACKTIE_HOME} :

      1. Install a WildFly build

      Download from https://ci.jboss.org/hudson/job/WildFly-latest-master/ and unzip

      I suppose i can stay with wildfly 8.0.0 ?


      2. Install the BlackTie subsystem into WildFly

      unzip wildfly-blacktie-build-${VERSION}-bin.zip into ${WILDFLY_LOCATION}

      There is no file standalone-blacktie.xml in this zip file !

      Can i take the zip file wildfly-blacktie-build-${VERSION}-bin.zip from blacktie 5.0.0 Final ?


      3. Install the BlackTie administration services into WildFly

      copy blacktie-admin-services-ear-*.ear to dir ${WILDFLY_LOCATION}/standalone/deployments



      4. Make changes as defined in:


      One of the first step of this Ant script is to copy standalone-blacktie.xml from {WILDFLY_LOCATION}/docs/examples/configs to {WILDFLY_LOCATION}/standalone/configuration.

      => In the file wildfly-blacktie-build-${VERSION}-bin.zip from blacktie 5.0.2 there is no file standalone-blacktie.xml

      => the standalone-blacktie.xml of blacktie 5.0.0 contains org.jboss.as.configadmin extention module which is not in wildfly so i can't start widlfly with the file standalone-blacktie.xml

      In summary:

      - No standalone-blacktie.xml in blacktie 5.0.2 Final release

      - The standalone-blacktie.xml file in blacktie 5.0.0 Final doesn't work (org.jboss.as.configadmin extention module not in wildfly)


      What i'm doing wrong, I have missing something ?

      Thanks in advance for your answer (and sorry for my english).

