3 Replies Latest reply on Mar 25, 2013 5:54 AM by milanmilas

    FMC Console and mq-web-console - can't login


      I have installed  mq-web-console on ESB on Machine A and was able to access it with:



      After adding ESB from machine A to the Fabric on Machine B mq-web-console is not there

      anymore so have created profile with mq-web-console on machine A:

      fabric:profile-create --parents mq mq-console

      fabric:profile-edit -f mq-web-console mq-console


      and using FMC on machine A have assigned it to ESB from Machine B which is now in fabric


      Accessing http://localhost:8181/activemqweb on the Machine B I am getting login screen

      and error message after trying to login using admin/admin or karaf/karaf:


      HTTP ERROR 500


      Problem accessing /activemqweb/index.jsp. Reason:


          java.lang.SecurityException: Authentication failed

      Caused by:


      javax.el.ELException: java.lang.SecurityException: Authentication failed

           at javax.el.BeanELResolver.getValue(BeanELResolver.java:298)


      Caused by: java.lang.SecurityException: Authentication failed

           at org.apache.karaf.management.JaasAuthenticator.authenticate(JaasAuthenticator.java:101)

           at javax.management.remote.rmi.RMIServerImpl.doNewClient(RMIServerImpl.java:232)


      Caused by: javax.security.auth.login.FailedLoginException: User doesn't exist

           at org.fusesource.fabric.jaas.ZookeeperLoginModule.login(ZookeeperLoginModule.java:110)

           at org.apache.karaf.jaas.boot.ProxyLoginModule.login(ProxyLoginModule.java:83)



      What is the proper way of setting mq-web-console for ESB in fabric and setting user/pass?


      Have tried to set new user by jaas:useradd but didnt help.

        • 1. Re: FMC Console and mq-web-console - can't login

          This question is probably better asked on the MQ forum, as this one is strictly for Fuse Management Console.


          If you're on 7.0.2 by default I believe the MQ web console is supposed to authenticate using the "karaf" realm, when you create a fabric that introduces a new higher-priority "karaf" realm that's backed by zookeeper, however if an app is already in the container it sometimes requires doing an osgi:refresh on that app so it picks up the new realm.

          • 2. Re: FMC Console and mq-web-console - can't login

            I have created another question in Message Broker forum as suggested.

            Tnx for help, but refresh didnt help. I did manage to make it work after playing with jetty.xml file but I was making so many changes on other files as well that I am now not able to make it work on the plain installation.

            • 3. Re: FMC Console and mq-web-console - can't login




              Activemq Webconsole configuration


