3 Replies Latest reply on Feb 22, 2013 11:38 AM by davsclaus

    Container provisioning on windows box from FMC running on unix box


      1) Is it possible to deploy remote container on windows box through SSH from a fabric server(FMC) running on a unix box. My fuse server is already deployed on unix box and when I try to create remote container on a windows box, I get below error.


      p1070889758-8837 | FabricServiceImpl                | fabric.service.FabricServiceImpl  332 | 54 - org.fusesource.fabric.fabric-core - 7.1.0.fuse-047 | The creation of the container mycontainer has failed

      com.jcraft.jsch.JSchException: java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused

              at com.jcraft.jsch.Util.createSocket(Util.java:386)

              at com.jcraft.jsch.Session.connect(Session.java:186)

              at com.jcraft.jsch.Session.connect(Session.java:154)

              at org.fusesource.fabric.service.ssh.SshContainerProvider.runScriptOnHost(SshContainerProvider.java:175)

              at org.fusesource.fabric.service.ssh.SshContainerProvider.create(SshContainerProvider.java:87)

              at org.fusesource.fabric.service.ssh.SshContainerProvider.create(SshContainerProvider.java:46)




      2) Do I need to install FMC on one windows box as well and then create ensemble with fuse server already running on unix box?

      3) What credencials are required for such provisioning? It's not possible to get login/password of individual machines in enterprise environment.

        • 1. Re: Container provisioning on windows box from FMC running on unix box

          This is not possible out of the box on a Windows box, as it does not have a SSHD daemon server running.


          You may need to install a SSHD daemon/server on your windows box, to have it support SSH.


          An alternative is to install Fuse ESB / Fabric on the windows box manually. And then start it up, and then you can join the fabric from this windows box.


          There is a fabric:join command for that.

          • 2. Re: Container provisioning on windows box from FMC running on unix box

            Thanks for the response Claus.

            Let me reiterate my understadning of this solution.

            I've just downloaded "fmc-distro-7.1.0.fuse-047.zip" from redhat's website. So if run FMC locally on windows box(say WINBOX1)  and join the fabric already running on one of the unix box using faric:join command then I should be able to provision containers/profiles on some other windows boxes say (WINBOX2, WINBOX3) from FMC UI/command shell.

            What about credencials? Do I need to know the login/password of the individual machines in this case WINBOX2, WINBOX3 in order to deploy container on them?

            • 3. Re: Container provisioning on windows box from FMC running on unix box

              Yes you can provision any container that is already part of the fabric.


              But if you want to install Fuse ESB / Fabric on a new box which is empty, then you would need to do that with SSH. An alternative is to manually install Fuse ESB / Fabric on that container, and join the existing fabric. Then from this point forward, you can provision the container, and install any apps on it / update it / rollback etc.