1. Re: Decision Tables - BRMS - Re-compilation Requirement?
psiroky Oct 28, 2014 7:42 AM (in response to x100)1 of 1 people found this helpfulHello,
the application does not necessarily need to be recompiled when you change the decision table. You of course need to reload the decision table somehow so the engine is aware of the changes. You can do it manually or for example using the KieScanner (see Drools Documentation for more information).
The Maven quickstarts are simple examples that are showing particular feature. So unless the quickstart is using the specific "reloading" feature you need to recompile the application each time you change the decision table. But that does not mean there is not a way to do it without recompilation.
I was trying to find some quickstart/example that would show how to do this, but I could not find one. We might need to create one.
2. Re: Decision Tables - BRMS - Re-compilation Requirement?
x100 Oct 28, 2014 12:21 PM (in response to psiroky)Petr,
Wow! Thank-you for the interesting reply. I guess there are some ways to change the decision table and re-execute the program without recompilation.
Also, that would be very awesome if there were more examples to look at and study. I am not too familiar with Java Enterprise Edition (EE). Although, using this web application BRMS to create applications is not really Java programming and I guess that is not the intent of the application since it is supposed to make development easier for non-developers such as analysts.
P.S. - Does the book, "Drools Starter" go over any of this? I am reading the beginning now but it seems to go over only how to use Drools through the Eclipse plug-in.