1. Re: disappearing sparklines
pilhuhn Dec 17, 2014 2:15 AM (in response to kucerarichard)1 of 1 people found this helpfulHey,
When I scroll a metrics page, or expand a down-arrow for the full graph, all the sparklines disappear. (ubuntu chrome, firefox, windows chrome firefox)
That sounds pretty bad.
What version of RHQ and the Browsers do you use? If you are not on RHQ 4.13 - could you try with it,
as I have the impression we may have had this, but also fixed it.
Mike T may be able to chime in later today
2. Re: disappearing sparklines
mithomps Dec 17, 2014 5:04 PM (in response to kucerarichard)1 of 1 people found this helpfulHi Rich,
At some point in time with was an issue. However, I have not seen it for a while and don't see it in RHQ 4.13
I have attached what I'm seeing in a video: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ci37g4za0gjkd2o/metrics-scrolling.mov?dl=0
Please let us know versions of things so we can investigate further or realize it as fixed.
Mike Thompson
3. Re: disappearing sparklines
kucerarichard Dec 22, 2014 3:29 PM (in response to kucerarichard)I was using JON jon-server-3.2.0.GA service pack 3.
I tried 4.13.0 and it is a lot better and there is no bad sparkline issue... they are stable when scrolling, and only flicker with the arrow to open a graph (ultimately remaining visible).
The sparklines in 4.13 can disappear by resizing the window, making it smaller to just hide the sparklines portlet and then pulling out again to reveal the sparklines, which are then gone, and do not reappear until a refresh.
The look and feel is much improved in 4.13. Wonder when JON will have this? (3.3)?
4. Re: disappearing sparklines
mithomps Dec 22, 2014 8:19 PM (in response to kucerarichard)Yes, JON 3.3 has the improved look and feel that you see in RHQ 4.13.
Any issues you find feel free to report a Bugzilla issue.