1 2 Previous Next 21 Replies Latest reply on May 6, 2015 5:19 AM by gytis

    Distributing Narayana JTS via Docker




      I'm posting here in order to get some feedback regarding the way to distribute Narayana JTS via Docker. I have a dockerfile which starts transaction service and recovery manager and then registers them with JacORB name server running in the same container. Currently dockerfile [1] and quickstart [2] are available on my Github repos. I would move them to Narayana account once I'm sure that everybody is happy with the implementation.


      I've decided to use Supervisor [3] to manage transaction service, recovery manager, and same server processes which are named respectively: TM, RM, and NS.

      Transaction manager and name server are accessible via ports 9998 and 9999. Additionally, ports 4711 and 4712 are exposed, which are default Narayana recovery ports.

      More information about how to configure and run container is available in readme files.


      Thanks in advance,



      [1] https://github.com/Gytis/narayana-docker/tree/master/jts

      [2] https://github.com/Gytis/quickstart/tree/master-JBTM-2296/jts-docker

      [3] http://supervisord.org

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