14 Replies Latest reply on Jul 6, 2015 12:28 PM by gytis

    accessing docker image based JBoss Transaction Manager as a service from a Weld/CDI based docker image


      I've become aware of




      If I understand the motivation for this correctly it should allow transaction services to be accessed as a service.


      Weld has SPI hooks that allows different transaction managers to be plugged in (the obvious example being the JBoss AS 7 / Wildfly SPI).


      Is there any work ongoing or is it reasonable to hope to be able to do the following:


      Deploy a CDI application (i.e. one packaged as a jar not a war or ear) as a docker image with any transactions being managed by the transaction manager described in this JIRA ticket.

      i.e. where use of the Transactional CDI annotation in a CDI Java SE application results in the use of a transaction manager located in a separate docker image.

      i.e. all transactions being XA (or some other distributed transaction processing mechanism) but with the wiring of the transaction services being managed by kubernetes .

      It would be a great quickstart/demo .


