1. Re: composite insert using Teiid
iginsk Jun 24, 2015 9:28 AM (in response to iginsk)Ramesh, Van,
Can you please answer this...
I am sure you might be busy in answering other threads...but i am waiting for this - fyi
2. Re: composite insert using Teiid
rareddy Jun 24, 2015 9:40 AM (in response to iginsk)1 of 1 people found this helpfulKiran,
When you defining the VIEW definition and transformation, you need to mark the VIEW as "updatable" to "true" in the properties panel. Also, where you entered the transformation SQL, there are couple other tabs for INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE. Depending upon complexity of you "SELECT" transformation, you do not need to fill-in any SQL in these tabs. However, if the transformation not simple, then you need to provide the SQL here using "INSTEAD OF" triggers. Once these are defined, and VDB deployed, you can issue INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE statements on the view and corresponding INSTEAD OF triggers are executed.
More info here
Update Procedures - Teiid 8.12 (draft) - Project Documentation Editor
Kiran: Please understand this is community support, repeated pleas only increase the amount of work we have, we will reply as soon as we can spare some time to answer questions.