I am using jBPM3 Tools (version- 4.5.2000) Final to create a very simple BPM process. My Process has got just one SwitchYard task in it. When I try to create I/O parameter mapping under Switchyard Service Task-->Properties--> I/O Parameters , I am unable to see mapping table (From:To) for either Input Data Mapping or Output Data Mapping.
Have reset the Eclipse/ BPM perspective but no result. Other folks with me are able to see both the columns in the mapping table. Can someone please guide me. Attaching the screenshot for both:
This is how I am seeing in my Eclipse toolkit.
This is how I want it to be.
Hi Tarun, do you still see the problem? If yes then please send the version of BPMN2 modeler (the screenshots are taken from BPMN2 modeler, not from jBPM3 tool). Also specify which version of Eclipse/JBDS you use.