1 Reply Latest reply on Aug 8, 2016 8:58 AM by shawkins

    Teiid JDBC gives same output for different queries when executed concurrently


      **Framework Version** :- Teiid 8.13 with WildFly 9.0.2



      I am using Teiid Admin APIs and Teiid JDBC to connect to the Dynamic VDBs that are created.


      Everything works fine, as expected but due to some application specific requirement i had to implement concurrent architecture using Akka actors. When i executed 2 DIFFERENT queries on SAME VDB, the results were SAME, which should NOT have been the case.


      So i came up with a Java Thread example and it behaved the same way giving wrong result.

      I have this `calculateRowCount()` which gives me row count of the Result Set


          statement = makeConnection(); // Some method that establishes the connection

          resultSet = statement.executeQuery(query);


          return String.valueOf(resultSet.getRow());


      The Multi-Threaded Test for this


        Thread thread = new Thread(new Runnable() {


          public void run() {

              try {

                  String selectQuery = "SELECT *  FROM TableName limit 5";

                  String actualCount = dataConnector.getQueryCount(selectQuery);

                  Assert.assertEquals(5, actualCount);


              catch (Exception e) {






          Thread thread1 = new Thread(new Runnable() {


          public void run() {

              try {

                  String selectQuery = "SELECT *  FROM TableName limit 15";

                  String actualCount = dataConnector.getQueryCount(selectQuery);

                      Assert.assertEquals(15, actualCount);


              catch (Exception e) {









        while ( thread.isAlive() || thread1.isAlive()){






      One of the `Assertion` will actually fail because both will return similar row counts.


      I tried to dig out info on Multi-Thread configuration for Teiid but couldn't make anything work.

      I have posted same question on stack overflow also multithreading - Teiid JDBC give same result set object for different queries - Stack Overflow