9 Replies Latest reply on Dec 20, 2016 5:28 PM by richardmoore

    Long delay in getting JobOperator


      It is taking roughly 3 minutes for the following to run. Got any ideas why? It doesn't matter if I use a jdbc connection or in memory. The following is in memory.


      private void initializeOperator() {

        try {

        log.log(Level.INFO, "Creating job operator.");

        operator = BatchRuntime.getJobOperator();

        log.log(Level.INFO, "Job operator created.");

        } catch(Exception e) {

        log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Failed during creation of job operator.", e);

        throw new RuntimeException(e);





      Log entry -


      2016-12-14 14:20:28.947 [main        ]                   JavaBatchExecutor - [INFO ] Creating job operator.

      2016-12-14 14:23:23.908 [main        ]                   JavaBatchExecutor - [INFO ] Job operator created.

        • 1. Re: Long delay in getting JobOperator

          the main work here is trying to find the job operator via service discovery.  Do you happen to have a long classpath with large jar files?


          I've never seen such long delay in getting job operator.  I can usually complete the whole batch tck (over 160 tests and even many more calls to getJobOperator) under 1 minute if using in-memory job repository.  Can you adjust the jvm memory setting and see if it makes any difference?

          • 2. Re: Long delay in getting JobOperator

            Yes we do. Is there a way to use a minimal list of jars and then dynamically add them afterwards?

            • 3. Re: Long delay in getting JobOperator

              not in the standard use of Java SE.  You can first try to eliminate non-used jars.

              • 4. Re: Long delay in getting JobOperator

                Besides removing unused jars from classpath, some other things you can try:


                * put jberet-core.jar, and jboss-batch-api_1.0_spec-1.0.0.Final.jar first in classpath entries.  If you're using wildcard in classpath, you'll need to change classpath to list all jar files.


                * use more recent version of java, if possible


                * allocate more memory to the jvm

                • 5. Re: Long delay in getting JobOperator

                  Sorry for the delay in getting back to you, I got pulled off this for something else. I scaled my classpath back to -


                  * cdi-api-1.2.jar

                  * javax.inject-1.jar

                  * jboss-batch-api_1.0_spec-1.0.0.Final.jar

                  * jboss-transaction-api_1.2_spec-1.0.0.Final.jar

                  * guava-18.0.jar

                  * jberet-core-1.3.0.Beta3.jar

                  * jboss-logging-3.3.0.Final.jar

                  * jboss-marshalling-1.4.10.Final.jar

                  * weld-core-2.3.4.Final.jar

                  * wildfly-security-manager-1.1.2.Final.jar


                  But now I am getting -


                  JBERET000640: A BatchEnvironment implementation could not be found. Please ensure the SPI has been implemented and is on the class path.


                  What am I missing?

                  • 6. Re: Long delay in getting JobOperator

                    jberet-se.jar should also be included, when running JBeret in Java SE environment.


                    and same for weld-se.jar

                    • 7. Re: Long delay in getting JobOperator

                      in JBeret project README.md, towards the end, lists what jars are required for Java SE environment:

                      • 8. Re: Long delay in getting JobOperator

                        Somewhat related info, the performance of getting job operator from BatchRuntime via service provider api was raised in this JIRA issue:

                        1. JBERET-223

                        BatchRuntime should cache the ServiceLoader for JobOperator

                        • 9. Re: Long delay in getting JobOperator

                          We figured it about the time you replied. These changes greatly improved our response time. It took about 18s rather than 2-3 minutes.