15. Re: Wildfly OSGI Bundle deployment
arcivanov Apr 5, 2017 2:51 AM (in response to madere)Felix OSGI console is an optional untested Felix addon. It's not recommended for production deployment at all and is generally insecure.
JBOSGI does treat manifests correctly unless you can show IT doesn't (Felix console may not display them correctly using JBOSGI data but that's a different story).
Until you resolve your bundle wiring I would not pay attention to anything involving wiring.
16. Re: Wildfly OSGI Bundle deployment
arcivanov Apr 9, 2017 3:04 AM (in response to madere)How's progress? Were you able to make headway?
17. Re: Wildfly OSGI Bundle deployment
madere Apr 10, 2017 6:18 AM (in response to arcivanov)Hi Arcadiy,
im making some progress. I ignored the Felix console and concentrated on the Wildfly Standalong logfile.
But now im stuck again: this time its the "org.springframework.beans" requirements that can't be found.
I already renamed the "spring-beans-3.2.14.RELEASE.jar" into "springframework-beans-3.2.14.RELEASE.jar" and placed it in the "deployments" folder. This jar does not contain any OSGI headers in the manisfest.
But it cant be found as you can see in the server.log at line 204 and 206.
Maybe there is something wrong with the order jar files are deployed/installed/started (if needed). If so ==> how to improve/change the order of deploying/installing thirdparty jars?
So I'm puzzled again.
Uploaded the latest server.log as: "Martin de Reuver server - 20170410-01.log"
18. Re: Wildfly OSGI Bundle deployment
arcivanov Apr 10, 2017 7:12 AM (in response to madere)I looked through you log. You HAVE to use an OSGI version of Spring. Here's the discussion on how to get it (Where can I find Spring 4 OSGi bundles - Stack Overflow ) You either need to use ServiceMix for 4 or download OSGI 3.2.4 bundles. Regular project does not provide bindings for OSGi resolution.
19. Re: Wildfly OSGI Bundle deployment
arcivanov Apr 20, 2017 2:03 PM (in response to madere)How are you doing?
20. Re: Wildfly OSGI Bundle deployment
madere Apr 24, 2017 10:06 AM (in response to arcivanov)Well,
i have been busy with some other stuff.
But i have also tried to make modules out of some of the thirdparty libs. That does not seems to workout as good as i expected.
Then still these jars can't be found. So I still have to look at that.
Im now trying to change the Spring dependecies to one with OSGI headers etc. No easy job to do because of all depedencies.
I need camel-jms but that has a dependency to the spring framework without osgi headers.
So a nice puzzle.