1 Reply Latest reply on Aug 29, 2017 7:24 AM by shawkins

    Errors in teiid source code on GitHub




      I cloned teiid source code from GitHub, seems like some files are missing in the source code.

      e.g. https://github.com/teiid/teiid/blob/9.1.x/engine/src/main/java/org/teiid/query/parser/QueryParser.java

      QueryParser.java is importing import static org.teiid.query.parser.SQLParserConstants but SQLParserConstants.java file is not present in the package org.teiid.query.parser


      Few other classes missing in source code.

      org.teiid.query.parser.ParseException, Token, TokenMgrError etc..


      also pom.xml reporting error Missing artifact for many of the dependencies.


      Can you please point me to the valid/correct source code?



      Kulbhushan Chaskar.

        • 1. Re: Errors in teiid source code on GitHub

          > QueryParser.java is importing import static org.teiid.query.parser.SQLParserConstants but SQLParserConstants.java file is not present in the package org.teiid.query.parser


          That and several other classes are generated by JavaCC.  Your setup to account for this will vary depending upon your IDE.  Here's an old reference for eclipse - Teiid Eclipse Dev Environment Set Up and Building Runtime Artifacts


          You should be able to run the maven command line build correct?


          From the README.md - mvn clean install -P dev -s settings.xml


          > also pom.xml reporting error Missing artifact for many of the dependencies.


          See the settings.xml in the project root you need to make your maven generally aware of those repositories.  This again can vary by IDE, but you could do this by changing your .m2 settings.xml