2 Replies Latest reply on Sep 4, 2017 4:04 AM by mkouba

    Definition of parameter org.jboss.weld.conversation.concurrentAccessTimeout not recognized





      I am using PrimeFaces 5.3 + Java EE 7 on Glassfish 4.1.1 when I meet a long execution operation. I constantly have this error message which interrupt the execution : WELD-000315: Failed to acquire conversation lock in 1,000 ms for Transient conversation]]


      Some investigations suggest to increase the value of parameter org.jboss.weld.conversation.concurrentAccessTimeout of Weld : jsf - File-upload with multiple files fails in Primefaces 5.1 - Stack Overflow


      I have an ear and tried it by many ways : weld.properties in WEB-INF/classes/ of web application and in META-INF/ of ejb module, creating system property via glassfish asadmin, creating JVM Options (-Dorg.jboss.weld.conversation.concurrentAccessTimeout=10000), but glassfish does not recognize the new value of the parameter. See : https://docs.jboss.org/weld/reference/latest/en-US/html/configure.html#config-conversation-timeout


      The injection of context HttpConversationContext as suggested by some helps does no more work (seems to work with CDI 1.1, but not with weld 2.2.13.Final, which is my version) :


      public class ConversationTimeoutDefaultSetter {

      private HttpConversationContext ctx;

      public void conversationInitialized(
      @Observes @Initialized(ConversationScoped.class)
      ServletRequest payload) {
      .setConcurrentAccessTimeout(10000L); // 10 seconds



      Did I miss something?


      How to set the new value for parameter org.jboss.weld.conversation.concurrentAccessTimeout ? Any other solution regarding the issue?


      Thank you for your help