1. Re: Building salesforce adapter/translator pair issues
tomesc Sep 20, 2017 7:13 AM (in response to tomesc)After I removed the dependencies block in the ...\connector-salesforce-34\pom.xml it is working.
However if anyone has a prebuild salesforce adapter/translator pair for API version >=v37 which you could share, I would very much appreciate.
2. Re: Building salesforce adapter/translator pair issues
shawkins Sep 20, 2017 8:18 AM (in response to tomesc)There seems to be a lot in that project that assumes the older/snapshot Teiid version and salesforce v34. Can you log an issue to have it updated for our supported branches? Also what Teiid version are you targeting?
3. Re: Building salesforce adapter/translator pair issues
shawkins Sep 20, 2017 10:19 AM (in response to shawkins)I should add that Salesforce makes api changes that are not compatible between versions, there have been several issues such as [TEIID-4495] Salesforce - unable to use CXF configuration with version 34 - JBoss Issue Tracker and [TEIID-4439] salesforce-34 translator dependencies issues - JBoss Issue Tracker that cause specialization of the 34 code. What may make the most sense is to incorporate the latest salesforce api into Teiid 10 with instructions on how to backport if needed.
4. Re: Building salesforce adapter/translator pair issues
tomesc Sep 20, 2017 10:39 AM (in response to shawkins)Steven, I created a related issue [TEIID-5073] Building Salesforce adapter/translator pair issues - JBoss Issue Tracker.
Currently I am using version 9.2.3 but Teiid 10 sounds good too.