1 2 Previous Next 18 Replies Latest reply on Nov 13, 2017 10:54 AM by shawkins Go to original post
      • 15. Re: Use of WHILE or LOOP ON for executing a procedure within VP

        Hi Barry and Steven,


        I updated JDBS and Teiid Designer to the latest version for DV 6.2, but it didn't help.

        I attached the project (removed sources), perhaps have a look? Thanks in advance.


        edit: the procedure is located onder e_data_consumption_layer / CaseService_archief.xmi




        • 16. Re: Use of WHILE or LOOP ON for executing a procedure within VP

          There are 1 or more Teiid Designer issues occurring.  Using latest I was able to reproduce the exception as well.  There is all a NPE occurring with the indexing logic in the attached log.  The NoSuchElement exception seems to only be referenced in a marker file: .metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.core.resources/.projects/AHubDelete/.markers.snap With no additional information.


          Barry can you see what issues are needed?

          • 17. Re: Use of WHILE or LOOP ON for executing a procedure within VP

            Hi Steven,


            I tried a different method with the code below, but i get ERROR: ERROR: TEIID31119 Symbol #temp.tmp_casenumber is specified with an unknown group context

            Any idea what is wrong with this?



                CREATE LOCAL TEMPORARY TABLE #temp (tmp_requestnumber integer, tmp_casenumber bigdecimal, tmp_procname string, tmp_closedate timestamp);
               INSERT INTO #temp (tmp_requestnumber, tmp_casenumber, tmp_procname, tmp_closedate) SELECT CaseService_archief.DeleteRequest_n.RequestNumber AS tmp_requestnumber, CI.CASENUM AS tmp_casenumber, PI.PROC_NAME AS tmp_procname, NOW() AS tmp_closedate FROM b_vbl_iprocess.CASE_INFORMATION AS CI INNER JOIN b_vbl_iprocess.PROC_INDEX AS PI ON CI.PROC_ID = PI.PROC_ID WHERE (CI.CASEDESC = CaseService_archief.DeleteRequest_n.RequestNumber) AND (CI.IS_DEAD = 0);
            LOOP ON (SELECT CI.CASENUM AS tmp_casenumber, PI.PROC_NAME AS tmp_procname FROM b_vbl_iprocess.CASE_INFORMATION AS CI INNER JOIN b_vbl_iprocess.PROC_INDEX AS PI ON CI.PROC_ID = PI.PROC_ID WHERE (CI.CASEDESC = CaseService_archief.DeleteRequest_n.RequestNumber) AND (CI.IS_DEAD = 0)) AS txncursor
                    EXEC b_vbl_iprocess.SW_CLOSE(txncursor.tmp_procname, -1, -1, txncursor.tmp_casenumber, 'ipadmusr');
                SELECT XMLELEMENT(NAME ClosedCases, XMLAGG(XMLFOREST(CaseService_archief.DeleteRequest_n.RequestNumber AS RequestNumber, #temp.tmp_casenumber AS IProcessCase, #temp.tmp_procname AS ProcedureName, NOW() AS ClosedDate))) AS xmlResult;
            • 18. Re: Use of WHILE or LOOP ON for executing a procedure within VP

              The final select still needs to reference #temp in the from clause:



              SELECT XMLELEMENT(NAME ClosedCases, XMLAGG(XMLFOREST(CaseService_archief.DeleteRequest_n.RequestNumber AS RequestNumber, #temp.tmp_casenumber AS IProcessCase, #temp.tmp_procname AS ProcedureName, NOW() AS ClosedDate))) AS xmlResult from #temp;

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