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1. Re: Need help using Shrinkwrap Resolver to get Pom metadata
joshuawhite929 Feb 8, 2018 8:56 AM (in response to joshuawhite929)Looks like michael-schnell came up with his own work around by having the resolver resolve a resource and backing in the URL for the Pom. He references a bug that was open in 12/2014 ( You can see his workaround in his "utils4maven" project here: utils4maven/ at master · fuinorg/utils4maven · GitHub
I'm still thinking that there must be an easier way to do this. Please consider sharing if you have already been down this road.
2. Re: Need help using Shrinkwrap Resolver to get Pom metadata
fuinorg Feb 8, 2018 2:39 PM (in response to joshuawhite929)Hey Joshua,
It's really just a workaround.
Unfortunately there is still no progress ([SHRINKRES-214] NoResolvedResultException when trying to resolve a POM - JBoss Issue Tracker )...