CassandraItemReader, CassandraItemWriter & CassandraBatchlet have been implemented in jberet-support. They will be formally available in the up-comming jberet 1.3.0.Final release.
CassandraItemReader, CassandraItemWriter & CassandraBatchlet are similar to their counter-parties in jdbc: JdbcItemReader, JdbcItemWriter & JdbcBatchlet, except for the following main differences:
* cassandra artifacts have different configuration batch properties than jdbc ones;
* unlike jdbc ones, cassandra artifacts do not have any dependencies on Jackson library;
* cassandra artifacts and jdbc artifacts are completely independent of each other.
To use any of the above cassandra batch artifacts, the only additional dependency is the datastax driver:
For usage examples, see the following test apps:
jsr352/test-apps/cassandraInject at master · jberet/jsr352 · GitHub
jsr352/ at master · jberet/jsr352 · GitHub
jsr352/ at master · jberet/jsr352 · GitHub
jsr352/ at master · jberet/jsr352 · GitHub
jsr352/ at master · jberet/jsr352 · GitHub
For more info, see JIRA issues:
Implement Cassandra Batch Item Reader and Writer
Implement Cassandra Batchlet to Run Cassandra CQL
Support custom codec in Cassandra item reader and writer
If you see any issues, please report them in JBeret JIRA, and any feedback and comments are also welcome!