2. Re: Infinispan JCache configuration in JBoss 5.1.2
j.ajmani Jul 12, 2018 10:48 AM (in response to galder.zamarreno)The requirement is to create caches dynamically, without specifying it in the xml file. The document is unclear as to how to do that.
3. Re: Infinispan JCache configuration in JBoss 5.1.2
rvansa Jul 13, 2018 10:05 AM (in response to j.ajmani)If you can use certain pattern for the caches you can specify just a template with wildcard: http://infinispan.org/docs/stable/user_guide/user_guide.html#cache_configuration_wildcards
If you want to configure caches programmatically, you need to use Infinispan API:
JCacheManager jcManager = ...;
EmbeddedCacheManager manager = jcManager.unwrap(EmbeddedCacheManager.class);
4. Re: Infinispan JCache configuration in JBoss 5.1.2
j.ajmani Jul 18, 2018 12:57 PM (in response to rvansa)Ok, but how would this work for the RemoteCacheManager ?
5. Re: Infinispan JCache configuration in JBoss 5.1.2
galder.zamarreno Aug 1, 2018 7:29 AM (in response to j.ajmani)The same way as long as you have infinispan jcache remote as implementation:
JCacheManager jcManager = ...;
RemoteCacheManager manager = jcManager.unwrap(RemoteCacheManager.class);