1. Re: Is Teiid provide any API for validating data before actual insertion?
rareddy Jul 16, 2019 8:59 AM (in response to pranitag)Are you doing this on a view or source table? If you know the data types do not match can you add an explicit type conversion of value to your insert statement?
2. Re: Is Teiid provide any API for validating data before actual insertion?
pranitag Jul 16, 2019 9:23 AM (in response to rareddy)I want to know if TEIID provides any api for checking the compatibility of the source field and target field data types, irrespective of any type of casting.
3. Re: Is Teiid provide any API for validating data before actual insertion?
rareddy Jul 16, 2019 9:29 AM (in response to pranitag)Can you elaborate what kind of API you are looking for? Teiid supports implicit conversions when they can be done automatically, if not it provides ways to explicitly convert.
4. Re: Is Teiid provide any API for validating data before actual insertion?
pranitag Jul 17, 2019 4:23 AM (in response to pranitag)I am looking for API which can help me to validate data type compatibility before actual implicit or explicit casting is done by teiid. API can check feasibility whether it's eligible for implicit or explicit casting.
E.g. clob to time datatype conversion is not possible by implicit or explicit. So does teiid provide any API which can validate such feasibility rather than throwing an error at runtime ?
5. Re: Is Teiid provide any API for validating data before actual insertion?
rareddy Jul 17, 2019 8:48 AM (in response to pranitag)No, Teiid does not have such specific API.
However, we have a Preparser module [1] you can add, where the statement can be modified before it can be executed by the engine. That may be something you can do. The question you want to consider is if you already know different conversions why not submit the converted query?