1 2 Previous Next 18 Replies Latest reply on Oct 14, 2019 5:18 AM by mtawk Go to original post
      • 15. Re: Teiid standalone - SQL Server insert into error

        If you haven't already done so, remove the is-same-rm setting from your mysql source.

        • 16. Re: Teiid standalone - SQL Server insert into error

          Thank you Steven, the solution you suggested solved the problem.


          We are using Teiid AdminAPI for teiid administration and when implementing your suggested solution, we faced issues.


          After investigation we find out there is an issue in the class AdminFactory.java in the method getTemplatePropertyDefinitions

          When it is XA datasource, the datasource name should be "xa-data-source" instead of "data-source". See the code snapshot below:


          // get JDBC properties
                  if (isXA(templateName)) {
                          cliCall("read-resource-description", new String[] {"subsystem", "datasources", "data-source", 
                                  stripXA(templateName)}, null, builder);
                  } else {
                      cliCall("read-resource-description", new String[] {"subsystem", "datasources", "data-source", 
                              templateName}, null, builder);


          When reading using the method getDataSource in the class AdminFactory.java, it is not getting the properties recursively. and we are getting the connection properties as undefined. like below:


           "xa-datasource-properties" => {
           "DatabaseName" => undefined,
           "PortNumber" => undefined,
           "ServerName" => undefined


          We tried sending natively the property recurssive = true in the cli request, and the connection properties were assigned correctly.

          • 17. Re: Teiid standalone - SQL Server insert into error

            Please add a JIRA for correction. Maybe a pull request along with it?

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