1. Re: lra-service-base missing?
ljnelson Aug 15, 2019 12:21 AM (in response to ljnelson)I think I see what happened.
To build some, but not all, of the LRA-related artifacts, you need to activate the community profile for some reason. Clearly when a release happens to Maven central, that profile is not activated.
But when whatever job it is that releases the rest of Narayana runs, it probably can reference lra-service-base at version 5.9.6.Final, because probably whatever machine it is that performs the release build already has lra-service-base built because probably that same machine has had the community profile activated in the past. Yeeeeeeeeeeeeuck.
The workaround, as I suspected, is to do what you should really never ever ever do, which is to check out the 5.9.6.Final tag and build it from scratch, using build.sh clean install -DskipTests -Pcommunity.
2. Re: lra-service-base missing?
ochaloup Aug 16, 2019 2:20 AM (in response to ljnelson)Hi ljnelson ,
thank you for report. You are right the lra-service-base artifact was not released to the maven central. I'm sorry for that. That was omission. Not directly because of the '-Pcommunity' profile but a wrong configuration of the module. I reported the issue for that and we'll try to solve that erro.
[JBTM-3175] lra-service-base is not deployed to Nexus during release - JBoss Issue Tracker
3. Re: lra-service-base missing?
ljnelson Aug 16, 2019 11:19 AM (in response to ochaloup)Cool, thank you!