1. Re: Teiid: How convert the existing vdb to DDL?
rareddy Oct 9, 2019 6:37 PM (in response to springbootteiid)Hello teiid vdbdll
1) if you have a .vdb file, you can use it to convert into an XML format one using the export feature in it. If you already have a -vdb.xml based vdb, then you can use the ConvertVDB utility in "bin" directory of wildfly based install with file called "teiid-convert-vdb.sh" file. If you do not have Wildfly based installation then you also use this utility as shown in here GitHub - teiid/teiid-openshift-examples: This repository contains example Teiid projects designed to be deployed on Open…
2) Sprint Boot does understand the .vdb, or .xml or DDL based vdbs, but the preference would be DDL based as other forms are going to be deprecated. You can see an example of VDB based spring boot example here teiid-spring-boot/samples/vdb at master · teiid/teiid-spring-boot · GitHub