1. Re: jdbcItemWriter -803 retry logic
cfang Oct 28, 2019 9:35 PM (in response to richardmoore)If the exception (I suspect SQLException) is specific enough, you can declare that exception type as retryable-exception-classes in job xml, and this type of failure will be retried automatically. But if it's a SQLException, which is pretty generic and can indicate many different causes other than duplicate keys. Also be careful with retry in item writer since the writer accumulates a list of items to write all at once, and if any one of them failed, all items in this chunk will be retried.
I think a composite key that can cause duplicatation is not a good choice. Even if you can alter your application to circumvent this error, there is still the possibility of conflicting keys.
2. Re: jdbcItemWriter -803 retry logic
richardmoore Oct 29, 2019 8:54 AM (in response to cfang)I agree, I just having to figure out a course of action since this was architected by someone else. This just started happening. This was great information.