1 2 Previous Next 17 Replies Latest reply on Apr 14, 2006 10:54 PM by micacooper Go to original post
      • 15. Re: BusinessWeek - Oracle buying JBoss
        • 16. Re: BusinessWeek - Oracle buying JBoss

          Dear Mica

          I started this thread because I was concerned about ORACLE buying JBoss and the implications of such a purchase.

          I have no problem with JBoss being sold, only with who it might be sold to. Red Hat is a good choice, and I for one feel very comfortable with it.


          • 17. Re: BusinessWeek - Oracle buying JBoss


            I would be concerned with any purchase including Redhat. Oracle has a somewhat less than stellar performance record with J2EE engines. Their purchase would be to control the technology.

            BEA and IBM would have been better off to have bought and buried JBoss a long time ago. JBoss while profiting little has cost them BILLIONS. It is extremely difficult to justify purchasing a company to bury it though.

            Microsoft in the end may be the big loser here. RAMJ is a terrific stack when packaged with software...something like SugarCRM will be able to packaged a DVD ready to go..OS, servers, software, voila.

            Redhat could still be problematic in that they have to leverage the purchase of JBoss. While on its own, JBoss answered to the customers, now they answer to Redhat before the customers. Being public is a terrible burden and has buried as many companies as anything else.

            But, you are right Dave, Redhat has it in its interest to build up and promote and make JBoss stronger...Oracle has no such need.


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