1 Reply Latest reply on Jun 7, 2005 10:52 PM by starksm64

    MainDeployer: DeploymentState not updated


      In the Maindeployer.java cvs version

      The methods stop(DeploymentInfo di) and destroy(DeploymentInfo di) not update the DeploumentInfo.state field with the values DeploymentState.STOPPED and DeploymentState.DESTROYED.

      I saw this when I fixed the JSR-88 getRunningModules and after run a jsr88.stop(new TargetModuleID[]{tmid}); the running modules was not updated. See http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBAS-1870

      Are you implementing the JSR-88 plug-in to use MainDeployer or the JSR-77 in the future ? Does someone is working in it ?

      Sorry for my english and thanks,

        • 1. Re: MainDeployer: DeploymentState not updated

          The management of the DeploymentState needs to be cleaned up as I'm seeing problems in identifying valid running services in the binding service unit test I'm working on. The JBAS-1870 change has been incorporated, but additional state changes are needed. We need additional org.jboss.test.deployment.test unit tests in the testsuite to validate the query aspects of the JSR-88 as a starting point.