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1. Re: Would A MBean ClusterBinding Be Useable?
belaban Mar 16, 2006 3:23 AM (in response to jiwils)This sounds interesting - I think we have something like this on the roadmap. Looking at it from a user's perspective, it would be nice to use only annotations to
- make a POJO an MBean
- to annotate which fields to replicate and possibly which operations to invoke across the cluster, e.g.
public class MyPojo {
int age; // @expose generates accessors
@transient // not replicated
int hashCode;
int foo() {
My 2 cents -
2. Re: Would A MBean ClusterBinding Be Useable?
starksm64 Mar 16, 2006 11:52 AM (in response to jiwils)There definitely appear to be problems with interaction between farming and the HA proxies that needs to be resolved. This showed up in the user forum discussion of this same topic: