3 Replies Latest reply on Sep 9, 2008 11:37 AM by pgier

    Updating versions in AOP build



      I've updated https://svn.jboss.org/repos/jbossas/projects/aop/trunk/pom.xml to point to the up to date versions of jboss-managed, jboss-reflect and jboss-mdr as requested by Adrian http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&t=142008. I then clean the aop thirdparty folder, and run the aop build. When looking at the component-info.xml's for these projects they contain the old versions.

      For example I have 2.0.0.CR1 for all the projects mentioned above, but their corresponding component-info.xmls show them to be

       <component id="jboss/jboss-managed"
       <component id="jboss/jboss-mdr"
       <component id="jboss/jboss-reflect"

        • 1. Re: Updating versions in AOP build

          The pom in the thirdparty directory was pointing to the 2.0.0.CR16 version of the aop parent pom in the root directory. So it was still inheriting the old dependency versions. I changed it to point to the 2.0.0-SNAPSHOT version of the aop parent (the version currently in the project root directory) and then the thirdparty build works fine.

          Whenever we do a release we have to remember to update the versions in all the poms. Eventually I will automate this, but right now it is manual. If you want, you can change all the poms to the next release version so you don't have to remember to do this during the release process. You just won't be able to deploy a snapshot version if the version in the poms is not snapshot.

          • 2. Re: Updating versions in AOP build


            That works locally, but on Hudson I get the following error:

             [echo] Calling mvn command located in /qa/services/hudson/hudson_workspace/workspace/jboss-aop-head-testsuite/trunk/build/../tools/maven
             [java] [INFO] Scanning for projects...
             [java] WAGON_VERSION: 1.0-beta-2
             [java] [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
             [java] [INFO] Building JBoss AOP Thirdparty
             [java] [INFO] task-segment: [package]
             [java] [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
             [java] Downloading: http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/jboss/maven/plugins/maven-buildmagic-thirdparty-plugin/2.1/maven-buildmagic-thirdparty-plugin-2.1.pom
             [java] Downloading: http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/jboss/maven/plugins/maven-buildmagic-thirdparty-plugin/2.1/maven-buildmagic-thirdparty-plugin-2.1.pom
             [java] [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
             [java] [ERROR] BUILD ERROR
             [java] [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
             [java] [INFO] Failed to resolve artifact.
             [java] GroupId: org.jboss.maven.plugins
             [java] ArtifactId: maven-buildmagic-thirdparty-plugin
             [java] Version: 2.1
             [java] Reason: Unable to download the artifact from any repository
             [java] org.jboss.maven.plugins:maven-buildmagic-thirdparty-plugin:pom:2.1
             [java] from the specified remote repositories:
             [java] central (http://repo1.maven.org/maven2)
             [java] [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
             [java] [INFO] For more information, run Maven with the -e switch
             [java] [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
             [java] [INFO] Total time: 2 seconds
             [java] [INFO] Finished at: Tue Sep 09 10:59:46 EDT 2008
             [java] [INFO] Final Memory: 6M/67M
             [java] [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
             [java] Java Result: 1
            BUILD FAILED
            /qa/services/hudson/hudson_workspace/workspace/jboss-aop-head-testsuite/trunk/build/build.xml:315: Unable to build thirdparty directory. See maven output for details.
            Total time: 4 seconds
            ERROR: No artifacts found that match the file pattern "trunk/aop/output/reports/". Configuration error?
            ERROR: 'trunk/aop/output/reports/' doesn't match anything, but '' does. Perhaps that's what you mean?
            Recording test results
            Sending e-mails to: jboss-aop-builds@lists.jboss.org builds@lists.jboss.org
            finished: FAILURE

            • 3. Re: Updating versions in AOP build

              From the output it looks like hudson isn't checking the jboss repository. Maybe it's not configured to download plugins from the jboss repo. I'll check with qa.