1. Re: TC6 integration 1st pass
anil.saldhana Jun 21, 2006 9:52 PM (in response to bill.burke)Looks like we have a tc6 folder in the tomcat module with all/some of the tc5 stuff. What this essentially means is:
a) Brian Stansberry, Ben Wang, Scott and I have to keep track of missing stuff in tc6 that we checked into tc5 when you were doing the migration.
b) We have to make a decision here that all updates to the tomcat module in HEAD happen in the tc6 layer. If not, we will have to maintain changes in both tc5 and tc6. I will leave it to Scott for the decision. But I guess, we want to move to tc6 anyway for JEE5. -
2. Re: TC6 integration 1st pass
starksm64 Jun 21, 2006 10:18 PM (in response to bill.burke)Bill asked if the tc5 package should be forked and I said yes as will we be using tc6 and there will be many changes to the deployer layer for jboss5. The tc5 stuff in head should be frozen.
3. Re: TC6 integration 1st pass
anil.saldhana Jun 21, 2006 10:54 PM (in response to bill.burke)http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBAS-3330
Jira issue for the audit of this initiative. -
4. Re: TC6 integration 1st pass
anil.saldhana Jun 22, 2006 12:02 AM (in response to bill.burke)An issue that is immediate is that TC6 has a requirement for JDK5. Does this mean HEAD goes JDK5 asap or we go retro route?
5. Re: TC6 integration 1st pass
starksm64 Jul 13, 2006 2:06 PM (in response to bill.burke)The javaee5 containers required jdk5. Where are we at with the jbossweb integration in head?
6. Re: TC6 integration 1st pass
bill.burke Jul 13, 2006 2:10 PM (in response to bill.burke)working on it. Have @EJB, @PersistenceUnit, and @Resource working on servlets. Working on XML now. Its going to be a hack job a little until Tomcat can be refactored.
7. Re: TC6 integration 1st pass
starksm64 Jul 13, 2006 2:14 PM (in response to bill.burke)And this is a hack of tomcat6 or a jbossweb based on tomcat6?
8. Re: TC6 integration 1st pass
anil.saldhana Jul 13, 2006 2:31 PM (in response to bill.burke)http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBAS-3390
What is the current state of the protocol handler for use by the Connector? The Http11Protocol is deprecated and there seems to be a need to use Http11AprProtocol. But there is no way the plugged in "Http11AprProtocol" is getting used for the "setAttribute" call, because the protocolHandler is taken as the default "Http11Protocol" (even though the protocolHandlerClassName has been changed to the Apr one).
So the connector interface needs to be updated such that the Http11AprProtocol gets used.
The issue is that the setAttribute call is not happening on a plugged in SSLImplementation (in our case JBossSocketFactory which has a setProperty call happening for seccurityDomain).
Remy, any guidance?
The issue is setAttribute call does not happen on a plugged in SocketFactory. -
9. Re: TC6 integration 1st pass
bill.burke Jul 13, 2006 2:43 PM (in response to bill.burke)"scott.stark@jboss.org" wrote:
And this is a hack of tomcat6 or a jbossweb based on tomcat6?
Tomcat 6. Its not a hack of Tomcat, but rather a hack of our current integration -
10. Re: TC6 integration 1st pass
bill.burke Jul 13, 2006 4:04 PM (in response to bill.burke)I've started the proces of converting from the use of org.jboss.metadata.WebMetaData
Unless you have any specific instructions, i'll proceed. -
11. Re: TC6 integration 1st pass
starksm64 Jul 13, 2006 4:37 PM (in response to bill.burke)I don't think it matters currently as this will have to be updated for the migration of the deployers to the VDF update. I'm close to having jboss boot with the mc/vdf.
12. Re: TC6 integration 1st pass
bill.burke Jul 13, 2006 4:39 PM (in response to bill.burke)"bill.burke@jboss.com" wrote:
I've started the proces of converting from the use of org.jboss.metadata.WebMetaData
Unless you have any specific instructions, i'll proceed.
Hmmmm, not sure I want to do it this way as the old EJB 2.1 container uses it a little and I'm pretty sure WebServices uses this metadata too. Maybe I should be creating JBossXB bindings for creating org.jboss.metadata classes and expanding those metadata classes for Java EE 5 instead of creating a new object hierarchy. -
13. Re: TC6 integration 1st pass
bill.burke Jul 13, 2006 4:46 PM (in response to bill.burke)"scott.stark@jboss.org" wrote:
I don't think it matters currently as this will have to be updated for the migration of the deployers to the VDF update. I'm close to having jboss boot with the mc/vdf.
I'm guessing you mean that it doesn't matter if I hack up the deployer...Web deployer needs a lot of reorganization anyways to do the dependency resolving that the EJB3 container currently already does.
What about the metadata though? I'm currently thinking to go back and use org.jboss.metadata classes instead of creating a new hierarchy. There's just too much code that depends on those metadata classes that would really suck to touch just to get this JavaEE5 integration in for Tomcat (Webservices for example). We'll also want to try and reuse the old EJB 2.1 BMP/CMP containers for EJB 3.0.
The other idea is to just reparse web.xml with the new hierarchy and just hack it in. -
14. Re: TC6 integration 1st pass
starksm64 Jul 13, 2006 5:46 PM (in response to bill.burke)Whatever is the path of least resistence. I certainly would try using the existing org.jboss.metadata with jbossxb parsers and ee5 expansion before rewriting it all.