Problem updating my code with latest CVS, news module
leberre May 19, 2004 5:10 AMHi Guys,
I got my website running with a CVS snapshot I got a few weeks after Nukes 1.0 (in order to have the news module).
I am trying to update my code to the current CVS to be 1.1 compatible. The main changes we made was on the templates.
I got the following errors when trying to compile the updated code. Where should the constant STORY_POSTED be defined?
[execmodules] /home-local/nukes-snapshot/news/src/main/org/jboss/nukes/addons/modules/news/ cannot resolve symbol [execmodules] symbol : variable STORY_POSTED [execmodules] location: class [execmodules] stories = module.storyHome.findByState(new Integer(STORY_POSTED)); [execmodules] ^ [execmodules] /home-local/nukes-snapshot/news/src/main/org/jboss/nukes/addons/modules/news/ cannot resolve symbol [execmodules] symbol : variable STORY_POSTED [execmodules] location: class [execmodules] stories = module.storyHome.findByStateOrderByDate(new Integer(STORY_POSTED)); [execmodules] ^ [execmodules] /home-local/nukes-snapshot/news/src/main/org/jboss/nukes/addons/modules/news/ cannot resolve symbol [execmodules] symbol : variable STORY_POSTED [execmodules] location: class [execmodules] Collection stories = module.storyHome.findByStateAndTopic(new Integer(STORY_POSTED), topic); [execmodules] ^ [execmodules] /home-local/nukes-snapshot/news/src/main/org/jboss/nukes/addons/modules/news/ cannot resolve symbol [execmodules] symbol : variable STORY_ID_NAME [execmodules] location: class [execmodules] Integer storyId = page.getParameterAsInteger(STORY_ID_NAME); [execmodules] ^ [execmodules] /home-local/nukes-snapshot/news/src/main/org/jboss/nukes/addons/modules/news/ cannot resolve symbol [execmodules] symbol : method getCounter () [execmodules] location: interface [execmodules] story.setCounter(story.getCounter() + 1); [execmodules] ^ [execmodules] /home-local/nukes-snapshot/news/src/main/org/jboss/nukes/addons/modules/news/ cannot resolve symbol [execmodules] symbol : method setCounter (java.lang.String) [execmodules] location: interface [execmodules] story.setCounter(story.getCounter() + 1); [execmodules] ^ [execmodules] /home-local/nukes-snapshot/news/src/main/org/jboss/nukes/addons/modules/news/ cannot resolve symbol [execmodules] symbol : method getCommentable () [execmodules] location: interface [execmodules] if (story.getCommentable()) [execmodules] ^ [execmodules] 7 errors