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1. Re: Commit option C BIG PROBLEM with 3.2.2 final release
norrin88 Dec 2, 2003 10:01 AM (in response to mboulatian)I'm experiencing the same problems with jboss 3.2.2, no matter which commit-option I use. I've asked serveral times for a solution but I got no response. So the response is clear: jboss doesn't work with heavy input data and/or transaction requirements. It is just a toy application server to play with, and with which I have spent too much time.
Regards -
2. Re: Commit option C BIG PROBLEM with 3.2.2 final release
rickysu Dec 4, 2003 7:47 PM (in response to mboulatian)so do I .
so sad .....
I will be fired by boss..