2 Replies Latest reply on Apr 1, 2007 11:15 AM by dimitris

    Default commit options for various container types


      Posting here to discuss whether we want to tidy up a bit our default commit options per container type:

      Standard CMP 2.x EntityBean - B
      cmp2.x jdbc2 pm - C (**isn't there a better name???**)
      Clustered CMP 2.x EntityBean - B
      Standard CMP 2.x EntityBean with cache invalidation - A
      Instance Per Transaction CMP 2.x EntityBean - C
      Standard CMP EntityBean - A
      Clustered CMP EntityBean - A
      Instance Per Transaction CMP EntityBean - C
      Standard BMP EntityBean - C (**recently changed from A for cts**)
      Clustered BMP EntityBean - A
      Instance Per Transaction BMP EntityBean - C