I hope it's OK that I posted this question in the Developers Form; I did so as I think the subject here might lead to feature requests, documentation enhancements, and most importantly as this isn't an environment specific request - but a question about a best practice re: the current Portal API design.
Per the JBoss Portal 2.6.5 reference guide (12.8.3. Link to Other Pages), the JBossRenderResposne interface can be used to generate action and render URLs to portlets on other pages (or other pages in general). It seems, however, that these calls don't allow for changing windowstate or portlet mode. Further, they don't take into account the logic used to encode Portal URLs (org.jboss.portal.portlet.impl.PortletRequestDecoder/Encoder).
So, my question is simple - what is the recommended way to generate full URLs (with mode/state changes, parameters, etc.) to portlets on other pages using the JBoss Portal API.
I'm interested in both the 2.6 and 2.7 APIs.