1 Reply Latest reply on Jan 23, 2009 9:44 AM by apemberton

    How to stop the unwanted instance not related to jboss porta

      Hi ,

      I am using jboss portal , but it isvery slow. I think that we can stop the unwanted instance not related to jboss portal(EJB, etc). So please guide me to stop the instance. Thanks in advance.

        • 1. Re: How to stop the unwanted instance not related to jboss p

          Hi peris:
          Not sure I understand your question fully, but one thing I've had luck with in the past is stripping out unused components from your portal install.

          For example, if you're not using the pre-packaged Apache Jackrabbit-based CMS, you can remove the portal-cms.sar from your jboss-portal.sar.

          Good luck.