JavaONE and JBossWorld Las Vegas bag
Posted by marc.fleury in marc fleury's Blog on May 20, 2006 4:34:42 PM
I'm back from Java One. It was truly a GREAT conference. The conference was packed, there were lines for the restrooms like in 1999. The energy at the conference was high, very high. The showfloor was PACKED! People were rubbing shoulders and what a stark contrast to the other years. It reminded me of the crowds and excitement of the mythical 1999/2000 J1s. Sun claims this year was the largest J1 ever in terms of attendance.
I think the technical innovation fueled a great talk line up. After all there is complete renaissance of the programming models with EE5/EJB3 on the tech front so there was a lot to cover. I hear that the sessions with 1000 attendees were full, lines waiting to get in, sessions being duplicated and rumors of sweat on the walls at the end of sessions. JBoss showed up in force on the speaker front and we provide many of the more popular sessions. To see the simplification and unification of programming models in time for Web2.0 bodes well for the future of Java.
All in all, J1 is once again the GREAT conference it once was and it was a very pleasant surprise to see this revival of one of our favorite industry event.
Our favorite of course is JBossWorld. If you have missed J1 this year or you want to dive deeper into what was covered at J1, DO NOT DESPAIR, COME TO JBOSSWORLD. As you may know, JBoss has contributed heavily to the EE standard and continues to lead with innovation. A lot of our sessions really cover and expand on the new EE5 theme. For example, we recently announced the "WebBeans" JSR, inspired by Gavin's work in SEAM, which will unify and extend the JSF/EJB3 programming models. Let us show you how are fully integrated frameworks building on the modern EE5 infrastructure deliver what is probably one of the best development experiences of the industry.JEMS today with its integration of AS, Hibernate, EJB3, cache, jBPM, workflow, rules, transactions, web, portal and management is an ideal platform to develop modern web-applications using the latest and simplest technology and frameworks.
JBoss World Las Vegas will build on all these announcements, cover them from a product standpoint and equip you with knowledge you can start using to develop your next-gen applications today.
As I mentioned in previous blogs, this year we have a lot of our customers presenting what they have done with JBoss. What better way to learn how people are leveraging our technology at every stage of adoption. We will be highlighting the "Innovation Awards" and I believe you will enjoy the format of our conference
I know JBossWorld will be the best conference all around. The only knock down this year at J1, was the percieved lack of good parties (except our own of course). As you all know, we are being acquired by Red Hat and this conference will be an inflexion point for us. It is a unique moment in our company history really. I truly believe it will have a one-time feel to it and I suspect you want to be part of it, a part of our history. We will make it enjoyable.
Finally, if you need one more argument before you go running to your bosses begging them to let you go to Vegas, you should know that we take our geekiness very seriously. We will also be giving the COOLEST CONFERENCE BAG *EVER*. We just received the new model for this year and I get to use the first model. And as much as the Java One bag were really nice this year, with their shiny orange color and what not, I truly believe THIS BAG IS THE SHIZZLE. It will set the bar and example for all other conferences to follow, mark my words :).
You need to come if you missed J1 or as a follow on to J1; you need to come to get the product view of the new frameworks and the implications of everything that was announced at J1 so that you can use it TODAY; you need to come to see the innovation we are coming out with; and you need to come to hear our business direction and how it will help you build better JBoss solutions and how we will help you manage them in production.
And while the last argument has nothing to do with work, you need to come because we will party it up in LAS VEGAS Baby!
Peace, Love, Deep Tech, Cool Parties and Great Bags.
