• Flooding "not found in retransmission table" in server log too much in cluster and making application slow.

    We have Wildfly 11.0.0 Final version - 24 JVMs cluster using multicast and observing below error too much in server.log and it is making application slower. attaching logs for your reference. 2020-02-02 02:22:07,839 W...
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    last modified by dheeraj.mishra
  • Wildfly 10 AWS using JDBC_PING for JGROUPS

    Hi All   I am getting this error when shutting down wildfly node on my EC2 instances.  Has anyone else seen this?  Can I ignore?             ...
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    last modified by mc11
  • WildFly11 - Single Sign on in a cluster

    I have a cluster with two nodes. Session is not replicated, but I would like the SSO to be so.   Both nodes have an entry like this   <single-sign-on path="/"/>   under undertown configuration....
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    last modified by lagoria
  • WildFly 18.0.1.Final - Error fetching WildFly component 'org.picketlink:picketlink-api:::2.5.5.SP12-redhat-00006'

    Provision worked fine with WildFly: 16.0.x - 17.0.1. Upgraded provision.gradle to upgrade to use wildFly 18.0.1. plugins {   id "org.wildfly.build.provision" version '0.0.11' } repositories {   mavenLocal()...
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    last modified by notify
  • Jboss7.1.1 to Wildfly 8 or 18 for Java8

    Hi All, I am planning to upgrade the jboss version from Jboss7.1.1 to Wildfly 8 or above to work with Java 8 version. The java EAR application is old and jbioss4.2 version was used and we have made that work in Jbos...
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    last modified by karthik.chandran
  • ARJUNA017017: enlist of resource failed exception with Oracle 11g Release 2 XE but not with MySQL

    Using jbpm-spring-boot-starter-basic in a Spring Boot project, which in return brings Naryana as the transaction manager. My database is Oracle 11g Release 2, and I am receiving the following exception:   org.spr...
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    last modified by hasancansaral
  • Method calls on .class literal trigger invalid rule error

    Consider this simple class:   public class Foo {     public static void main(final String[] args) throws Exception {         System.out.println("Hello world"); &#...
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    last modified by jaikiran
  • Picketlink Multi forwarding

    We have a War called login when has a picketlink.xml   There is a web war which also has a picket link.xml. Everything works ok with the single link - https://abccompany.com   But now we need to add our c...
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    last modified by mbaig1001
  • Is there a way to hide the debug lines wildfly uses when calling interface methods?

    So when I call the method of an interface, there are a bunch of lines between the calling class and the called class that I do not care about. Is there a way to omit them from the debug call stack? If A class X method...
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    last modified by breaker71413901
  • JBoss Editorial (February 7th): Quarkus, Camel, Keycloak and Kie

    Welcome to another edition of the JBoss Editorial, our regular tour through the JBoss Communities in search of news and developments from the community projects.   Quarkus Tools for Visual Studio Code  Quark...
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    created by kconner
  • can Drools API tell me how many rules are using a particular attribute

    Say i have a rule file like below. Below rules are built on 2 properties Instrument and maverickModelMappingId . Can Drools tell me how many rules uses the field "Instrument".  My use case is that I want to know ...
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    last modified by meabhishek80
  • Why doesn't System.out.printlin, and Logger work in my websocket?

    Can anyone tell me why this doesn't work?  I.e. why nothing I log from my class, and nothing I print using System.out.println, shows up in the log or on the console?   My websocket endpoint class is named "...
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    last modified by gberish
  • Custom listener shows dirty properties only per event (per class)

    For an object tree if a property of a nested object changes the whole object tree should be versioned. However, it seems there are only hibernate envers events sent to e.g. a customed listener for a class with a prop...
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    created by jobame
  • Clustered Java EE Application With Wildyfly 10.1 & Apache Http

    I'm trying to start up a cluster with 2 nodes of wildyfly 10.1 Running in standalone-ha.xml standalone mode with 3 modules deployed in each one : EJB_EAR.ear, Singleton_EJB_EAR.ear, Web_EAR.ear are deployed with the ...
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    last modified by mohammedadel
  • how to assign Authentication token to REST Service Task

    I am calling a REST service from jbpm using the REST service task but I don't know how to specify the Authorization Token (assignment picture attached). Does anyone know how to do this? Your help will be much apprecia...
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    last modified by aha001
  • KEYCLOAK + MYSQL + DOCKER --> Failed to start

    I am trying to start a Docker instance of Keycloak with mysql as the database. Even mysql is started as a docker container. For some reason, it is failing to start. I have detailed my question in the following "serv...
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    last modified by ranju4u6
  • WildFly Forum Replacement

    Hello All, On 2020-03-01 this forum will become read-only. We are looking at using Google Groups as a replacement for this forum and would appreciate any feedback the community would have for this decision.   T...
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    last modified by jamezp
  • Modeshape project continuity

    I'm looking for a JCR framework and I'm evaluating Modeshape but the last release date is 04/19/2017 and I've not seen any news about it's continuity. I afraid that Modeshape project is dead. Please, anybody can confi...
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    last modified by jose.galiana
  • Infinspan console shows only one node for clustered servers in the cache node view

    We are working with infinspan version 9.4.8 in a domain mode with cluster of two hosts servers with two nodes. In the statistics of the cluster view we can see that both nodes get hits but when we look at the view of ...
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    last modified by noura.sharaby
  • Critical error during deployment: : com.sun.faces.config.ConfigurationException: Factory 'javax.faces.application.ApplicationFactory' was not configured properly.

    Hello .,             I  am updating jboss EAP 7.1 to Jboss EAP 7.2. when i run the sever getting below errors. I tried lot of ways but still i didnt get any s...
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    last modified by mohan1