• JTA mode vs JTS mode in the context of Wildfly/EAP

    Hi, I have one basic question.   On this forum in several places when talking about different Narayana functionality, it is mentioned that Narayana can run in JTA mode and in JTS mode. My understanding is that i...
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    last modified by u448119
  • Elytron ldap-realm  - dir-context

    Hi,   I'm trying to migrate PicketLink LdapLoginModule to Elytron (Wildfly 18.0.1)   My previous configuration using legacy security   <security-domain name="MySecurityDomain" cache-type="default...
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    last modified by dnovo
  • Elytron - EJB Principal Anonymous

    Hi,   I have a simple ear ( one war plus one ejb module ).   I'm trying to use Elytron security with wildfly 18.0.1 and AdoptOpenJDK 11.   standalone.xml   <subsystem xmlns="urn:wildfly:elyt...
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    last modified by dnovo
  • What is the Expected Behaviour of the Extends Meta?

    In trying to solve come issues with generating POJO classes (see: Controlling Class Names and Packages of Generated POJO Classes) I have been digging into the hibernate tools source code to get a better understanding ...
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    created by bucpatr
  • Why can't the Wildfly server handle concurrent REST requests after a httpSession is established

    I've run into a conundrum I'm trying to understand. I've implemented a very simple example REST service that runs within a Wildfly server. I have a standalone, multi-threaded Java test program that uses an Apache http...
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    last modified by mark.brooks.180
  • Distributed application on JBoss EAP 7.1 loses Session attributes

    Our Spring MVC project is running on JBoss EAP 7.1 with remote caching to DataGrid 7.2. We have observed occasional instances of Session Attributes not being found.   Logging shows entries like: 2019-10-11 16:13...
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    last modified by pthorson
  • Me pueden ayudar con este error: java.lang.Exception: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.icefaces.x.context.BridgeFacesContext jboss 7

    Al desplegar .war en jboss-as-7.1.1.Final me genera este error... alguien me puede ayudar a resolverlo. HTTP Status 500 -type Exception report message description The server encountered an internal error () that preve...
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    last modified by lmcorral
  • File Upload does not work with a4j command button. Is that a bug?

    Hi! In my web app, I use a data table to iterate over an arraylist. For every item i create a link to submit a file. I,m doing this with a modal panel. So, here is a piece of xhtml page. <ui:define name="bod...
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    last modified by uesker
  • Unable to determine if the certificate is trusted.

    Hi all, I'd like to automate the installation of mutual SSL for HTTP using security enable-ssl-http-server command in the CLI:   security enable-ssl-http-server --key-store-path=server.keystore --key-store-passw...
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    last modified by carla-2
  • JBOSS 7.2 SSL Query

    Hi Everyone   Am trying to configure ssl connection on JBOSS 7.2 for Oracle TLS   on oracle db server(ORADB18C) ran the following   keytool -genkeypair -alias vault -keypass Server1234  -storepa...
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    last modified by kvbarde
  • Controlling Class Names and Packages of Generated POJO Classes

    I have an existing project with an established JPA annotated model. I want to use hibernate tools to generate a set of POJO classes that correspond to my existing model classes. I followed the instructions here: Hiber...
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    created by bucpatr
  • Using Older Versions of Hibernate in HibernateTools Ant

    I'm in the process of trying to set up an ant task to generate a schema based on my existing JPA annotated classes. I was able to get the ant task to run, but it keeps failing with the exception   java.lang.NoCl...
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    last modified by bucpatr
  • Optimal IPv4 + IPv6 settings for WildFly on Linux?

    Is it possible to create single configuration that would work on both: WildFly on Linux with IPv4 only configuration WildFly on Linux with IPv4 and IPv6 dual stack configuration so that single deployment would work...
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    last modified by tero.saarni
  • Wildfly 14.1 stops listening on http port

    Hi,   We have deployed Wildfly 14.1 in domain mode as two node cluster in Active-Active mode on two different VMs running on CentOS 7.6.   For both nodes http port is configured as 8099, https port as 8993...
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    last modified by priyam.srivastava
  • Elytron Aggregate Realm not Cacheable

    We just noticed that an aggregate Elytron real is not cacheable even when both the authn and authz realms are cacheable. Is this intentional or an oversight?
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    created by pmm
  • JBoss Google Summe Or Code Moved

    Google Summe Or Code moved to this new place: GSOC - Google Summer Of Code - Google Summer Of Code - JBoss.org Documentation   This space is read only now.
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    created by lkrzyzanek
  • JBOSS on CentOS ?

    I want to ask and wanna know about it :   1. I installed JBOSS EAP 7.2 on CentOS 8   2.I deployed, updated and tested my app on it but the developer or free JBOSS EAP subscription is  limited only for...
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    last modified by yuhlaing
  • Kubeping on Kubernetes 1.17

    Hi, I tested Wildfly / Kubeping on Kubernetes 1.17 and got the following issue:   12:39:26,943 WARN  [org.jgroups.protocols.kubernetes.KUBE_PING] (thread-10,kubernetes,wildfly-deployment-f8d595bb5-s6ljn) fa...
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    last modified by mauriciomag
  • WildFly console authentication

    Hi,   We have a SingleSignOn (SSO) component. Is it possible to update the WildFly console application connecting to it (SSO or LDAP) ? If yes, where is located the WildFly application (web.xml should be proba...
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    last modified by gregoan
  • Monitoring account

    Hello everybody,   Is it possible to create a monitoring account. I tried the command "add-user.sh --silent=true -u monitor -p "xxx" --realm ManagementRealm --group=Monitor" but I'm SuperUser when I check the "...
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    last modified by gregoan