• Batch script

    Hi,   We are using the standalone.xml configuration. We have to configure the JMS layer (standalone-full.xml is not a option) so we built a set of CLI command which are working fine (jboss-cli.sh) :   batc...
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    last modified by gregoan
  • Multiple global module

    Hi,   I have a Docker image process executing many CLI file (execute.sh). The content of execute.sh is   #!/bin/bash   # Usage: execute.sh [WildFly mode] [configuration file] # # The default mode is '...
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    last modified by gregoan
  • Wildfly Directory listing

    Hi, We recently facing an issue with directory listing in wildfly.  We have a directory on linux server where all the project related files are placed.  As par to client requirement  in our application...
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    last modified by hari2020
  • Starter Spring Boot App with Byteman integration and swagger support

    Hi,       I have been working with byteman for sometime. Its a very powerful tool and immensely helpful for fault testing as well as run-time troubleshooting. I also use Spring framework as part of my ...
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    last modified by rajaranjan
  • WildFly 18: JGroups: No such method error

    We are using embedded infinispan jars. The same configuration was working on 17.0.1.Final.   11:32:01,280 ERROR [org.jboss.msc.service.fail] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 79) MSC000001: Failed to start service j...
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    last modified by tstiemerling
  • How do I get list of all hosts from JBoss Domain Controller including the host in which is host controller is down?

    Is there an way to get the list of hosts(not servers) registered in JBoss master domain controller host via CLI or Rest API call? :read-children-names(child-type=host) lists all the available hosts but not returning i...
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    last modified by balamv
  • WF Patch for Log4j Exploit?

    Hi,   Is there a patch for NVD - CVE-2019-17571 ?  Is it just a matter of repacking org.jboss.log4j.logmanager with the latest log4j?   It looks like there is a ServerSocket.class packed with the modu...
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    last modified by walkerca
  • Spring Web Application Deployement error with Jboss EAP

    Hi Guys,   I'm new to the Jboss EAP. Currently I'm having an issue while deploying the spring web application with Jboss EAP for UAT environment.   I have the .war file and it is succeffully getting deplo...
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    last modified by manuprabath
  • java.util.concurrent.RejectedExecutionException at server start

    I am fairly new to wildfly and I barly have any experience with Ubuntu. I have tried to install wildfly in version 16.0.0.Final onto Ubuntu 18.04 LTS using the instructions given by Install and Configure Wildfly (JBos...
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    last modified by schragman
  • Digest Security behind reverse proxy leads to HTTP 400 Bad Request

    When using newer Wildfly or EAP Versions >= 7.1.0, digest algorithm is not working if Wildfly is behind a reverse proxy and the proxy changes the URL.   For example with apache ProxyPass /jboss/ http://loca...
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    created by erhard
  • Wildfly and JBOSS on Centos ?

    Hello, I wanna ask a question with scenario. 1. My host is CentOS 8 2.I install Wildfly on that host to deploy an App 3. I deploy, test and run the app on that host 4. When I finish testing or updating the app, ...
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    last modified by yuhlaing
  • LdapLoginModule And Password Attempts (WF10)

    Hi,   I have a WF 10 hooked up to Active Directory.  Everything's working in the normal case.  However, when bad credentials are provided, it seems like two attempts are made.  This results in AD ...
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    last modified by walkerca
  • Anything Like LDAP defaultRole in Elytron?

    Hi,   I have a working legacy LDAP configuration that is running in WF 17.  I'm trying to migrate it to Elytron, but I'm getting an error that I think is role related.  My legacy config is using defaul...
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    last modified by walkerca
  • keycloak jboss not able to connect to mysql

    I am trying to use mysql for keycloak and have used the same config before but this time it is giving a link failure. volumes:   mysql_data:   driver: local services:   mysql:   image: mysql:5.7 &...
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    last modified by krs8785
  • Spring-instrument in wildfly 14 or 15

    Hi.   We currently have a JAVA-WEB application deployed in production with the following frameworks: - Richfaces 3.3.3.Final - Jsf 1.2 - JPA 2.0 and eclipselink 2.3.6 - Spring 3.2.18.RELEASE - Java 8  ...
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    last modified by carlos_serrano
  • JSESSION ID is not changing after authentication

    Hi, I have an application running on wildfly 8.2.1Final and I added the below property to the standalone.xml   <system-properties>     <property name="org.apache.catalina.authenticator.A...
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    last modified by vvn07
  • How to build the JBPM-Designer-standalone with tomcat war file?

    Hi Team,   I want to build the JBPM-Designer-standalone with tomcat. How to build the war file?   Regards, Naresh T
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    created by nareshlearner
  • change JBOSS_BASE_DIR to start different server deployments

    Hallo,   inside the standalone.bat is defined the variable JBOSS_BASE_DIR. Now I had the idea to create diffenrent standalone_x.bat files and set the JBOSS_BASE_DIR variables to different directories. So it sh...
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    last modified by redcar
  • auditing

    Hi,   We enabled the auditing from :        # Enable auditing      /core-service=management/access=audit/logger=audit-log:write-attribute(name=enabled,value=true) &...
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    created by gregoan
  • wildfly 8.2 huge memory allocation during and after deployement

    I am using wildfly 8.2.1 final to deploy java ee 7 maven web application wars about 30 war with dependence between them using rmi remote ejb. I found that the server consumes a lot of memory special on startup of the ...
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    last modified by sandevsandev