Version 40

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    Shrinkwrap provides a simple API to assemble archives like JARs, WARs, and EARs in Java.


    Packaging specifications such as Java Archives (JAR) and Enterprise Archives (EAR) are standard mechanisms for declaring a collection of Classes and resources into one unit.  Often these are intended to be run directly or deployed into a web or application server.  Archives carry with them implicit metadata regarding their structure, from which concerns like ClassLoading scope and manifest parameters may be inferred.


    However useful, archives typically require the addition of a build step within the development lifecycle, either via a script or extra tool.  The ShrinkWrap project provides a simple API to programmatically assemble archives in code, optionally allowing for export into ZIP or Exploded File formats.  This makes it very fast to prototype "virtual" archives from resources scattered about the classpath, the filesystem or remote URLs.


    Module Name
    Maven2 ID
    apiorg.jboss.shrinkwrap:shrinkwrap-apiDevelopment In Use
    buildorg.jboss.shrinkwrap:shrinkwrap-buildDevelopment In Use
    impl-baseorg.jboss.shrinkwrap:shrinkwrap-impl-baseDevelopment In Use
    spiorg.jboss.shrinkwrap:shrinkwrap-spiDevelopment In Use
    doc/referenceorg.jboss.shrinkwrap:shrinkwrap-reference-guideDevelopment In Use



    Project Information
    Main Project Page
    Obtaining BinariesShrinkWrap | Downloads And Maven2 Configuration
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    Issue Tracking
    Releases Repo
    API Documentation
    User Forum
    Development Forum
    Development Instructions

    ShrinkWrap | Development and Contribution

    Release ProcessShrinkWrap | Release Process
    Release PlanningShrinkWrap | Release Planning
    Continuous Integration
    Project Leadalrubinger



    Release Plan
    0.1.xRetiredPrototyping and Development Series
    1.0.0-alpha-xIn ProcessEarly-access Release Series used primarily for testing integration and gathering community input
    1.0.0-beta-xShort-termCandidate for Frozen APIs, feature-complete
    1.0.0-cr-xShort-termRelease Candidates; APIs Frozen
    1.0.0FuturePromoted from re-tag of a release candidate; Stable
    1.0.xFutureIncremental Patch Releases; no API changes, backwards-compatible
    1.x.yUnscheduledNew feature; backwards-compatibility preserved
    2.0.0-alpha-xUnscheduledOverhaul, refactoring.  Features may be added/dropped, API contract disappears


    Sample Code

    Make an EJB3 JAR from Classes visible from the Thread Context ClassLoader

    // Make a name for the JAR
    String name = "slsb.jar";
    // Create and add classes to the JAR
    JavaArchive archive = ShrinkWrap.create(JavaArchive.class, name)
              .addClasses(OutputBean.class, OutputLocalBusiness.class);


    Log out the full contents of an archive in "ls -l" form (useful for debugging)

    Archive<?> archive = null; // Assume we have one
    archive.toString(true); // Verbose flag
    Will make output:


    Add a ClassLoader resource, assigning it a specific location (Path) within the Archive

    JavaArchive archive = ShrinkWrap.create(JavaArchive.class, "archive.jar");
    Path pathToMetaInf = Paths.create("META-INF");
    Path pathToEjbJar = Paths.create(pathToMetaInf,"ejb-jar.xml"); // Could also have done  Paths.create("META-INF/ejb-jar.xml")
     archive.addResource("resources/myEjbJar.xml", pathToEjbJar);


    Make a simple WAR with webapp descriptor, a Servlet, and a JSP

    final Class<?> servletClass = JspForwardingServlet.class;
    final WebArchive archive = ShrinkWrap.create(WebArchive.class, name);


    Write an Archive to the Filesystem in ZIP encoding (JAR/EAR/WAR, etc)

    // Export to the Filesystem as a real JAR
    InputStream zipStream =;
    // Get a FileOutputStream and then write the contents of "zipStream" to it

    Write an Archive as exploded form to the Filesystem

    File destinationDir = null; // Directory to which we'll export;


    Read an Archive from the Filesystem in ZIP encoding (JAR/EAR/WAR, etc)

    ZipFile existingZipFile = ..
    // Import from the Filesystem as a real JAR
    JavaArchive archive = ShrinkWrap.create(ZipImporter.class, "archive.jar")


    Read an Archive from a exploded directory on the Filesystem

    File sourceDir = null; // Directory from which we'll import;


    Deploy an Archive directly to a Deployable Container (ie. JBoss Embedded)

    JBossASEmbeddedServer server = null; // From somewhere
    Archive<?> archive = null; // From somewhere
    // Do some testing, then undeploy
    API Guide

    There are two main entry points to the ShrinkWrap api:

    • ShrinkWrap
      • Main entry point into the ShrinkWrap system. Provides shortcut mechanism to create Archives of different type under a default Domain.
    • ArchivePaths
      • A common factory for creating ArchivePath objects


    Generically speaking,the central types in the ShrinkWrap are:

    • Archive  
      • A Collection of resources (Assets), each with its own naming context / filename (ArchivePath)
    • Asset
      • A generic resource, collection of bytes
      • This term is used instead of "Resource" because "Resource" may be used in some contexts to mean "ClassLoader resource"
    • ArchivePath
      • Name/location within an archive under which an asset may be stored
    • Assignable
      • general interface for representing entities such as Archives as different extension types




    In practice, it's actually more convenient to support the addition of some contrete types like ClassLoader resources, URLs, or Classes than by adding Assets themselves.  To handle this there are archive extensions targeted for these uses, called "Containers".


    • ClassContainer
      • Supports addition of classes and packages
    • EnterpriseContainer
      • Supports addition of:
        • application.xml
        • Application Resources
        • Whole modules (other archives)
    • LibraryContainer
      • Supports addition of libraries
    • ManifestContainer
      • Supports addition of META-INF/MANIFEST.MF and manifest resources under META-INF
    • ResourceContainer
      • Supports addition of ClassLoader resources
    • WebContainer
      • Supports addition of:
        • WEB-INF/web.xml
        • WEB-INF resources




    From these container extensions we may compose into specification extensions.  These will be the types used most frequently from an end-user perspective.


    JavaArchive (JAR)



    Enterprise Archive (EAR)




    Web Archive (WAR)



