Version 9

    Pre-Release procedure

    1. At least two weeks before a release, create a task for the release in the JBQA JIRA project.

    2. At least two weeks before release, make sure there is a testsuite/src/etc/serialVersionUID/.ser file for the previous release.  See org.jboss.test.compatibility.test.SerialVersionUIDUnitTestCase for more information.

    3. Two weeks before make sure the earlier release is part of the compatibility matrix and verify the continuous runs for any compatibility issues.

    4. Make sure the following testsuites pass 100% on the continuous runs.

      1. AS Testsuite - build JDK6 - run JDK6

      2. EJB3 Testsuite

      3. Webservices Testsuite

      4. Smoke tests on Windows and Solaris platforms
    5. Make sure the TCK5 passes 100%

    6. Test the appropriate version of the following components to be working on the current release.

      1. Seam
      2. Weld
      3. Admin-Console
      4. mod_cluster
      5. JBoss Tools - (JBIDE-7205 will identify steps needed)
    7. If there is an installer make sure the right components make it into the installer.

    8. Smoke Test JBDS / JBossTools works with new AS version As shown here


    Update project versions and create tag

    1. All version strings in the project in trunk (or current working branch) should be updated using a platform independent perl script ( Update Maven Project Versions )
    2. Create the tag using an svn  remote copy command
    3. Update the version strings in trunk to the next development/snapshot version


    Release Procedure for jboss-6.x

    1. Configure your maven settings.xml as per instructions in Maven Getting Started - Developers to use the nexus developer repository group.
    2. Increase heap size in the MAVEN_OPTS setting in
    3. Checkout the source for this release

      1. example: svn co

    4. Verify that the root POM (pom.xml) contains the correct version for this release ( JBossProjectVersioning ).

    5. Build the distr with the latest version of Sun JDK 1.6 from the root

      1. Clean the local maven repository before doing the build (rm -rf ~/.m2/repository).

      2. ./ deploy -Prelease -DrepositoryId=jboss-releases-repository -Durl= (Maven Deploying a Release )

    6. Run the testsuite

    7. Promote the build from staging to live. Refer Maven Deploying a Release


    Uploading to sourceforge

      1. cd into the VERSION/dist directory to upload the sourceforge contents

      2. Refer link for uploading options:

        1. SFTP option

          1. sftp username,

          2. sftp> cd /home/pfs/project/j/jb/jboss/JBoss

          3. sftp> mkdir JBoss-6.0.0.GA
          4. sftp> put FILE

          5. sftp> exit

          6. Once the files are uploaded navigate to File Manager Section on the sourceforge web site, and edit properties for the uploaded files (NOTE: It might even take a few hours for the uploads to show on the live page)


    Updating the products page

    1. Login to magnolia at and edit the downloads page under jbossas project.
    2. For the section being edited add an entry beginning from the last.
    3. After saving, activate the page fom the Admin Central to see the changes.



    1. Send an email to jboss-dev, core announcing the release with a link to the downloads page and release notes.

    2. Announce in the forums under the News and Announcements Section.