This space is host to the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for Arquillian.
A catalog of the FAQs for Arquillian is displayed below, organized by topic area. Each question is answered in a separate document. You can add your own comments, or read the comments left by others, that discuss the issue in further detail.
In addition to this catalog, you can find FAQs by searching or browsing by document or tag.
Project Information
Test Design
How do I add JAR files to the test archive?
How do I add Maven artifacts to my ShrinkWrap archives?
How do I manage transactions in my test?
How do I create or copy and modify persistence.xml, beans.xml, etc?
How do I add all web resources to the ShrinkWrap archive?
Why aren't assert statements working?
Why are the injection points in my test null?
How do I setup a DataSource in Embedded GlassFish when using Arquillian?
How does a managed container differ from a remote container?
How does Arquillian know where JBoss AS is installed?
Where is the Embedded GlassFish 3.1.2 jar?
Debugging and Logging
Why don't break points work when debugging?
Why don't I see System.out or log messages?
What's the cause of this exception: java.lang.ClassFormatError: Absent Code?
Why do I get "No active contexts for scope type" when testing on JBoss AS 7
Why do I get ClassNotFoundException: WeldException?
Why do I get IllegalStateException ... Kept on getting 404s?
Why do I get a socket connection error when using remote JBoss AS?
IDE and Development
How do I install the TestNG 5.11 Eclipse plugin?
Why does Eclipse fail to build Arquillian?
What version of Maven Surefire should I use to run my Arquillian tests?