• Warp with Tomcat 7, arquillian.container.configuration in example doesn't exist

    Using official examples at GitHub - arquillian/arquillian-extension-warp: Warp fills the void between client-side and server-side testing. ,  if I try to run with: mvn test -Dintegration=tomcat7 it fail because o...
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    created by sebtardif
  • entitymanager get null when configure arquillian with wildfly

    Hi, I am new to the arquillian, and got a problem above. here is my pom.xml:   <project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"   xsi:schemaLocati...
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    last modified by langker
  • Arquillian setup issue: com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.impl.io.MalformedByteSequenceException

    Hi, I'm trying to setup arquillian in my project, in order to easily handle integration tests. I'm using JBossAS 7.0.2 Final as remote container for arquillian. If I run the single Integration test with Eclipse, it...
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    last modified by dunia
  • @WarpTest causes @ArquillianResource NullPointerException

    Hi there! First time using Arquillian, and it's been a blast. I'm hoping to get started with Warp from a very basic Drone/Graphene webapp running JSF on a Tomcat 8.5 Embedded container. I'm using Weld to enable CDI. B...
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    last modified by mschink
  • Drone with http header/proxy settings (e.g. BrowserMobProxy)?

    Is there a way to pass a header/proxy configuration in Drone?   We have the following use case for our integration tests: There are several JSF/RF-based applications that are integrated in a Single-Sign-On (SSO...
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    last modified by michaelb80
  • Arquillian read test file at runtime

    Hi, I would like to read a test file and send it on a JMS queue within a test methode. I used the solution described here to add files to the war test. But when I try to read file in the test methode I get FileNotFo...
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    last modified by med.amd
  • @ArquillianResource URL returns null

    Hello there,   I am using arquillian to create a deployment. In my test case I want to send POST requests to the container. Here is my Test Class:   @RunWith(Arquillian.class) public class ServiceTest{...
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    last modified by harrymp
  • jboss-as-arquillian-container-remote and wildfly 8.0.0 Alpha1

    Hi   I wantet to upgrade to wildfly 8.0.0. Alpha1. I was not able to execute tests neither with the jmx protocol nor with the servlet protocol. Are there new maven dependencies required for using wildfly? I was ...
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    last modified by rbattenfeld
  • Shrinkwrap cannot find dependency in local repo

    Hello,   I have a Jenkins job setup which uses a custom settings.xml to load the dependencies. According to the ShrinkWrapResolver documentation, the "-s" command line is ignored. It searches in the local reposi...
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    last modified by cwansart
  • jvm parameters not visible with in arquillian testcase on jboss

    Property in arquilian.xml:   <property name="javaVmArguments">-Xmx2048m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -Djboss.socket.binding.port-offset=629 -Djboss.bind.address.unsecure=   However, in my testcode, ...
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    last modified by razal-lister
  • Chameleon :: executing CLI command

    Hi,   is there a way, using chameleon container to execute CLI commands for a wildfly managed target.   My current setup for the wildfly target is: <container qualifier="wildfly" default="true"> &...
  • Does Arquillians JaCoCo Plugin support blackbox testing (@RunAsClient and ClientBuilder)?

    Hello,   I have a project that has the following structure:   ROOT   -> parent   -> build-tools   -> service1   -> service2   -> service3 ...   The parent...
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    created by cwansart
  • Suite of arquillian tests does not pass. Individual tests do. Why?

    Hi   I have got multiple arquillian test classes which I try to get run in sequence (defined within a testng.xml) via maven surefire.   If I test the classes individually like so:   {code}mvn -Dtest=...
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    last modified by hpgisler
  • How to check if Page Fragment is present with Graphene

    I'm struggling to find a nice way to find a page fragment with Graphene.   The fragment is defined with a FindBy, but sinds it is a custom class, the default method isPresent is not present (weird sentence ). &#...
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    created by fabi.yo.4
  • Arquillian Persistence extension with JBOSS, and ORACLE with CLOBs

    Hi there,   I am currently trying to setup a project with arquillian persistence extension. I need to run with JBOSS EAP 6.4.0 and Oracle 11G. This configuration has given me problem after problem. I think I ma...
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    last modified by sfergu
  • Arquillian Persistence does not play along with EclEmma Code Coverage in Eclipse

    Hi, all. I don't know if this is a problem with EclEmma or with Arquillian Persistence. It is difficult to pinpoint the problem, since running EclEmma in debug mode is not possible, AFAIK.   I have a unit test w...
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    last modified by koski
  • Format for setting proxy in arquillian.xml

    I am struggling to set the proxy for my WebDriver instances in arquillian.xml. I believe that I should be able to do something like the following:       <extension qualifier="webdriver"> ...
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    last modified by gerdemb
  • Getting arquillian-was-remote-8.5 to work

    Hi All, Yes, i know this is old stuff, but I would like to get the arquillian-was-remote-8.5 connector running. I build it according to suggestings here: https://developer.jboss.org/wiki/BuildingArquillianWASContain...
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    last modified by daniel.platz
  • Arquilian Getting Started fails with java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/junit/rules/RunRules error

    Hello,   I'm a newbie with Arquilian, and I found a small mistake in the Getting Started, so I hope I can repay Arquilian team for their great work with this small feedback (I googled to make sure nobody reporte...
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    last modified by avermeerbergen
  • Arquilian Getting Started should mention a JRE 7 is required to run the test using standalone instance of JBoss AS

    Hello, While forwarding the instructions from Getting Started · Arquillian Guides  as faithfully as possible, I felt in a trap when I was in this place of the article: ------------------------------------...
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    last modified by avermeerbergen