• Arquillian + Wildfly 10 embedded + Omnifaces 2.5 throws ServletContainerInitializer error

    Hi,   My arquillian test is working together with an embedded wildfly 10.1, embedded h2 and primefaces 6.   When I want to add omnifaces I get following stacktrace:   Running candi.test.ProductTest ca...
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    last modified by fabi.yo.4
  • Cannot get working wildfly-remote produced by forge (with chameleon)

    I try to follow the arquillian jpa guide. I tried wildfly-managed and it works, but I cannot get wildfly-remote working. So I did in forge:   [arquillian-jpa]$ arquillian-setup --test-framework junit --container...
  • What is the difference between Tomcat, JBoss and Glassfish?

    I am starting to look into Enterprise Java and the book I am following mentions that it will use JBoss. Netbeans ships with Glassfish. I have used Tomcat in the past. What are the differences between these three progr...
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    last modified by johnybasha
  • Arquillian test with real EAR from build

    The topic has maybe something to do with the thread https://community.jboss.org/thread/200399, but it does not really solve my issue, yet.   I want to test an Java EE application with Arquillian. A simple setup ...
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    last modified by rick-rainer.ludwig
  • JBOSS 7.1 : ArquillianServletRunner not found

    Hello,   I am using JBOSS 7.1 application server, Unfortunately I cann't share my code as it's forbidden hence, I am trying to express what I am actually doing and in return what I am facing. I am deploying a w...
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    last modified by aslam.rajper
  • Arquillian run-as-client mode

    I am trying to run tests against some applications that are assumed to be running already. Therefore I don't want arquillian to deploy anything at all to any server.  I was reading about run-as-client mode. ...
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    created by rchelliyil
  • Could not create new instance of class org.jboss.arquillian.container.was.remote_8_5.WebSphereRemoteContainerConfiguration

    Hello,   we recently started testing one of our applications with Arquillian. It is a Java EE application that runs on a Websphere 8.5 server. The problem comes up on both liberty and full profile servers.  ...
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    last modified by michaelhuber
  • Caused by: java.io.IOException: Cannot run program "C:\Program" (in directory "C:\jboss_5.2\jboss-eap-5.2\bin"): CreateProcess error=267, The directory name is invalid

    Hello,   I'm trying to run the Greeter.java test example using the JBoss AS 5.1 Managed container.  When I try to run the JUnit test from eclipse, this is the full error message that I get:   org.jbos...
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    last modified by dmartfw1
  • Arquillian Guice

    Arquilllian Guice Extension is no longer supported?  Will we be able to test guice applications with the obsolete Guice Extension artifact? 
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    last modified by rchelliyil
  • Can't get ProfileService Jboss AS 5.1 GA

    I'm trying to get ProfileService using the following: Context ctx = server.getNamingContext(); contextInst.set(ctx); profileService = (ProfileService) ctx.lookup("ProfileService"); But got the following error: javax.n...
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    last modified by rlanhellas
  • mail session on wildfly

    how to create mail session in wildfly server, i am new here can u explain step by step process.. in domain mode i am going to try................
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    created by chandu_wildfly
  • Arquillian Cube Kubernetes problem - help please!

    Hello, I've got a problem with some maven failsafe tests that use Arquillian Cube Kubernetes support. My tests pass when I run `mvn verify` from my workstation, either from my host or from within a local docker cont...
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    last modified by mark.nuttall
  • Problem configuring Arquillian Remote Container with Weblogic12c

    Hi Guys,   I'm trying configure arquillian - Remote Container - with weblogic12c, but I'm stuck. I read almost all articles around the web, searched similar problems on stackoverflow and wasn't enought. I made...
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    last modified by mucceli
  • How to skip ShrinkWrap and test full build?

    Hi,   How can I switch between ShrinkWrap deployment on development machines and full ear deployment on Jenkins using the same test classes?   We plan to use Arquillian for integration testing using the fo...
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    created by lao974
  • Argument 2 for ArquillianServiceDeployer.undeploy is null. It won't be invoked.

    I run test in ear, and I get the following warning: WARNING [org.jboss.arquillian.core.spi.ObserverMethod] (main) Argument 2 for ArquillianServiceDeployer.undeploy is null. It won't be invoked. Some thing strange, t...
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    last modified by wuhuaxu
  • Arquillian deploy to remote wildfly domain failing.

    Hi, I have used the discussionArquillian deploy to remote domain EAP 6.1 fails - How to specify server? as a resource but I am still having problems. My server group name is primary-clustered. I have attached my pom....
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    last modified by jrombs
  • Problems on using Arquillian to perform integration tests

    Hi All,   I am trying to use Arquillian to perform integration tests on the software I am working on, and I have got stuck.   Could someone with more experience help me out?   I can provide some lo...
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    last modified by jeferodrigues
  • Does @OperateOnDeployment annotation fail the tests if deployment has failed

    Hi all,   I have the following setup: I use Arquillian with Maven, and I have a set up Jenkins job. I use the @Deployment annotation for deployment and @OperateOnDeployment for the tests. Is it available, is the...
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    last modified by eevlogieva
  • Arquillian Cube + Appium

    I'm starting new project now with Spring-Boot. And I need web and mobile (ios+android) tests,  I thought to use  Arquillian Cube with Docker, My question is if it possible to use Appium with the  Arquil...
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    last modified by drora
  • Shouldn't there be an addAsServiceProvider option to augment an existing service provider?

    So I was testing a new WFSwarm fraction that needed to add an Undertow io.undertow.servlet.ServletExtension to a JAX-RS war, and ran into the issue illustrated by this little test case:   /** * Validate that ad...
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    created by starksm64